Tuesday, November 07, 2006


I am spreading the news - Happy Birthday to our FG. May you have a blessed day filled with joy. Hugs and kisses!

Just a quick note to let you all know that I am mending but it is very hard to keep my foot down long enough to blog. The important thing is that I am recovering and being well-looked after. Bless my hubbie and my friend on the hill.

Other big news - we got a new addition to the family. Her name is Taffy. She is just 8 weeks old and she is a Bermese Mountain dog. She is tri-colored; black,tan and white. Smart as a whip already and a real cuddler. This could be a problem later on. lol! The wee Pugsley has his nose out of joint but he will survive and already has decided she can follow him around outside. Good thing too, she outweighs him and towers over him. Our timing was a bit off but it was a surprise for me from my hubbie.

I'll be back when I can sit a bit longer with some stories. Thanks heaps for all the good wishes. I really aprreciate them.

Hugs to you all!


Leolady said...

Hi Lin, great to see you back and I hope you are well and truly on the mend.

I was thinking of you and Tony last weekend, did he see the rugby, Wales-v-Australia? what a great match, I was sitting there wondering which side he was supporting as I was watching it and I suppose it was best for him that it was a draw (lol)- I won't mention England's game - all I will say is come back Sir Clive all is forgiven!

I think some of the World Cup Matches next year will be played in Wales at the Millenium Stadium, I know my boys club are hoping to get over to France to see one of the qualifiers, anything like that is good for them with the atmosphere etc.

Anyway enough about Rugby, keep us in touch how you are but don't over do it - take care and a big get well hug!

love D xxxx

Anonymous said...

Taffy sounds lovely (is there a Welsh reference in there?)

At least you've got a good excuse for not poop-a-scooping.

Best wishes xx

purchasewoods said...

Leolady: Hi! Yes, Tony watched the game and there was great joy around here. He considered a draw more than good enough. Tony would love to be in Wales next year but I don't see that happening unless or until we win the lottery. lol!

I will answer your email soon. Still hard to sit here for long. I am getting there slow but sure.

Hugs, Lin

purchasewoods said...

Foodkitty - yes there is a Welsh reference - the wee Welshman came up with it. lol!

Thanks for all the good wishes and I am getting there. Soon I hope as today is is pretty nice outside and a walk on the beach would be lovely. Sigh!

Hope all is well at your end and I will over to read your blog soon.

Best, Lin

purchasewoods said...

Mindseye: It is always good to hear from you. I have got to figureout posting a photo. Have one on the other blog but I was spolied working on there.

Thanks for thinking of me and I promise I am getting better. Just can't sit very long. Hope all is well on your end. Yah but....lol!

Hugs, Lin

purchasewoods said...

Hi FG birthday girl! I just couldn't stop myself from posting birthday greetings. lol!

Glad that you had a great day - you know I was thinking of you. All that lovely Italian food and all...

Thanks for wishing me well. I feel heaps of support coming my way.

Lots of love,
