Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Catching Up

I need to say I am sorry to everyone who has been kind enough to respond to my last post and never heard back from me. I still can't keep my foot down long enough to write much although I am checking my emails. I work in my studio and there is no good place for me to prop my foot up. It dislikes being down at the moment. Better days are coming though.

Yesterday my friend Traci was down visiting and we decided to weigh Taffy. She has done so much growing that she is really leggy at the moment but she also feels really heavy. For all you Americans - she weighs 28 pounds and she isn't even 12 weeks old at the moment. For all you Brits etc...she weighs 12.72 kilos. Incredible!

Fortunately, Taffy is gentle and has the sweetest nature. On top of that she is really smart. She likes routine and responds well to a soft voice command. We have lucked out with this puppy. We love her to pieces.

Thanksgiving was lovely. Tony had his coronation/pledge of allegience and became an Aussie and then we had nine people to tea. So for the first time in 11 years - we celebrated Thanksgiving. I mean to every year and every year it falls apart. Our son and his partner were here and I never stopped smiling. Plus, for the first time since I was a child I got out of all the cooking and dishes. lol!

I just finished reading, 'The Diary of A Young Girl' by Anne Frank. I have been reading it every year since I was about nine. I love the book. And I am ever impressed by what an excellant diary it is for someone that young. We blog and journal but few of us come up to the standards of that book. Of course, what she was journaling was done in dramatic times. Yet, any girl even in the 21st century can relate to much of what she writes. I am humbled by her efforts and I always hope that someday I will be able to write that way. And I always end up feeling devastated by the huge loss of life and in particular - Anne's.

I hope that the grand reunion of many of the Circle went well and look forward to reading about their visit. I really wish I could have been there for the sole purpose of spending time with such lovely women. The older I get the more I love my female friends.

Well, my foot is sending out warning signals so I am off to elevate it. I have been trying to design labels and logos for my soap and cards. It is slow when you can't sit long enough to really format your ideas. But they are coming along and I have several versions good to go. I have also been printing out some of my drawings as cards. Working out all the bugs on cheap paper. Soon, I will be able to start using better quality paper. I am also crocheting together the 140 circles I made for a bedspread. On top of that, I am roughing out a few paintings for gifts. So I am making decent use of this down time. But, I feel a scream coming on as I am longing to be outside roaming the bottom 40 with the dogs and wading at the beach. Patience - patience - patience.

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