Sunday, October 29, 2006

Hi Ho Hi Ho - This is my 6th attempt

I am off to the hospital at 6AM tomorrow. This will definitely be my last post for a few days. I am taking the laptop to the hospital with me so hopefully, I'll get some writing done before the surgery. I am never lucky enough to be first.

Hubbie made sure that I had a lovely day today. He took me to the local school fair where I showed great self-restraint by avoiding all the great food. I did make up for that by indulging at the 2nd hand book stall, though. Yes!

We took a ride along the shore route from Cygnet to Kingston which I love to do. Then we bought scones and went to Kingston Beach to eat them. Heaps of people were out and about walking their dogs and their children. The surf was up a bit and we made up conversations for the seagulls. I always enjoy letting others know exactly what they are thinking. Takes a bird brain to know a bird brain.

We went and had coffee with friends. Then came home and I broiled sea trout fillets for us. Just some lemon and a bit of butter and it was lovely. Although I am sure that I just made Foodkitty shudder. lol!

Spent most of the evening going over notes with hubbie, talking with the children and packing. Now I am just finishing up computer stuff.

Not a very interesting entry, I know. I do have some stuff that I want to write about though. Thank goodness for laptops. I will get that done soon.

TTFN for now and I hope it is a great week for everyone.


Anonymous said...

Oh L; I'm laughing with you, not at you!
I posted six comments on someone's blog yesterday for a very similar reason!
At least we are PERSISTENT, or STUPID or both!!!
Let us know when you are up and about.

PS I am a strong advocate of KISS cooking; your sea trout made my mouth water!

Leolady said...

Hi Lin, tried to e-mail you before your op to wish you good luck and speedy recovery and send some hugs and positive thoughts - but it kept bouncing back (a bit like the probs with your blog) I hope you got it in time if not, I hope everything went well and you are back on your feet again and well in no time - sorry I haven't been in touch or blogging much but have had probs with my hand and arm so its awkward to type - my thoughts and prayers are with you take care love and hugs - D xxxx

PS Hi to Foodkitty too, hope to resume normal service soon!

Anonymous said...

Hi L,
you up and about yet? Your email pinged me too...
hope things are well