Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Under The Knife

I’m back under the knife again. I saw my surgeon today and low and behold – the bone is not growing around the metal. The metal is not staying in place.

This accounts for all the most recent painful bouts and the fact that I can feel the metal under the skin. Some days I want to yank it out with my bare hands.

There is a relatively new procedure that consists of mixing a powder with your blood then inserting it to the area that needs to regenerate bone, securing it with the tissue and muscle. The powder promotes bone growth within a few hours of insertion.

The procedure was trialed for spinal injuries about seven years ago. It went so well they began using it for difficult fractures and now they are using it to cause bone fusion to strengthen weak areas.

On November 8th I go back in. They will remove the metal and do the powder. Back in the ‘cam boot’ for 8 weeks again. In hospital for 3 days and 2 nights. That isn’t too bad but I am always anxious to get back home as I don’t ever trust them to let me back out once they get me in.

The first two weeks will be totally non-weight bearing and then I can start putting some weight on it but will need the old crutches yet again.

Good thing I didn’t give the cam boot to Tony for a new sculpture. I am heartily sick and tired of being sick and tired. And I walked in to that office today certain that I was going to be told that everything was healing fine and the pain was just soft tissue damage.Certain I was going to be told to be patient and wait it out.

You can’t imagine how relieved I am to know that this is not all in my head. And just think of a whole two weeks where I can catch up on blogging. lol!


Leolady said...

Sorry to hear you are both poorly, I will remember you both in my prayers - Crohn's is a horrible disease too, I know several people with it of varying severity and know it can be quite disabilitating - I will be thinking of you on the 8th (it's also a special day for another reason - ask FG) I hope it all goes well for you and you quickly recover.

Thanks for clearing up the bit about the Swans - I was almost there but as I said we only rarely see clips of Aussie Rules on quiz programmes - over here the footy (soccer) season is in full swing as it the rugby so I am back to having about 15+ lots of rugby kit to wash, with hubby and the four boys playing for clubs, schools and training etc - all I seem to do is buy washing powder!

Have a good week and I hope you both feel better soon - take care D x

Anonymous said...

Hey L,
I am so glad to here there is something that can be done. Sounds like an interesting technique - I hope its both interesting AND effective. PS why is it women always fuss about being told its all in their heads? We are so apologetic about things!
Look after yourselves
PPS a cygnet goatkeeper is bringing me some goats milk tomorrow so that's my cheesemaking day. Ideally need a day where the temperature hovers around 20 degrees; think I might have the heater on, eh?

WendyAs said...

Yikes, Sounds awful. Hope it all turn out ok for you. When your feeling better drop me an email.

I was wondering how long you have been in Aust.? Both my husband and I are from US. originally (holding two citizenships US and Canadian)Moved to Tassie in April 05. I know a lot of Canadians and Americans that came down as well. You mentioned Huonville. Are you also in Tassie? Be great to meet some time.

Anonymous said...

PS what's the old cam boot? Sounds a bit Marilyn Manson to me...

purchasewoods said...

Hi guys: Having trouble keeping still tonight so I will try to answer you all with one comment.

Leolady: Have the calender marked for more than just the surgery! lol! Poor FG - she has been outted. Vote!

Foodkitty: That cheese is bound to be good if it came from Cygnet. lol! Your family is really lucky you love to cook. And I am fast getting over the being told it is all in my head. From now I am listening to my instincts.

FG: Voting as fast as I can. lol! And I had already marked the old calender up for the other reason.

Mindseye: What a pleasure to have you back, girl. I am so pleased to hear from you and I will start to play that song as inspiration. You are making me feel better already.

Wendy: Welcome to my blog. Glad to have you here. I have been in OZ for 11 plus years now. I am actually in Cradoc which is maybe 10 k's down from Huonville. Just before Cygnet. Lovely to hear from a Yank. What part of the USA do you come from? When the surgery is all over and done with and I can get out and about it would be lovely to meet up.

Foodkitty: The cam boot is made of heavy plastic and has velcro wraps. It is used instead of a plaster cast or whatever they are making casts out of these days. I gave them all to hubbie to turn in to sculptures. Fortunately, I had not handed over the cam boot yet. lol! It comes almost ot my knee. You can adjust how tight it is and scratch when you need to. I find that a big plus! How did the cheese making go?

Hugs to you all and thanks so much for all the good wishes. You guys will defintely be helping my recovery.
