Sunday, October 29, 2006

I'll Be Back

Tomorrow I have my surgery so I just wanted to say good-bye and I'll be back as soon as I can. My hubbie made sure that I had a lovely day today and that helped me to relax.

We went to the local school fair where I showed great self-denial by avoiding all the fattening stuff on offer. I made up for that by enjoying myself at the 2nd hand book stall - I am no saint.

After we left the fair we took one of my favorite drives along the shore route from Cygnet to Kingston. We indulged in freshly baked scones and went to Kingston Beach to eat them. The surf was great today. Heaps of people were out and about walking their dogs and their children. I always find it very relaxing at the beach. Plus, we get to make-up seagull conversations.

We had coffee with friends and then came home. I broiled sea trout with just lemon and a bit of butter. It was lovely although I am sure Foodkitty just shuddered. lol!

I have spent the last few hours giving hubbie notes, talking to my children and putting together what I am taking to the hospital. I packed the laptop so hopefully I will do some writing.

That is it for now. Not a very interesting entry but I do have some stuff in mind to write about and that will appear when I get home. Everyone have a great week.


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