Saturday, September 30, 2006

Let's Go FG

Off to New Zealand with FG. My team lost by one point. Sigh!


Anonymous said...

Despite what I might say elsewhere, I did watch the footy and the final half hour was sheer Entertainment!!
My eldest son had 20 mates over, and hubby had 5. Half time heroes wrecked the lawn of course, but great fun for all.
One of Tom's friends had WCE shaved into his hair (he is a nice boy though), and was just so HAPPY when they won.
All the empties needed a special run to the recyling depot this am. And boy, did they eat?!

Leolady said...

Got room for one more in NZ (lol) - by the way are you referring to Aussie Rules? the day after I read your blog one of the TV programmes a Question of Sport referred I think to the Melbourne Swans, an Aussie Rules side it was a weird co-incidence if it was they had a what comes next clip showing a piglet running on the pitch and being tackled by a player! We rarely hear anything of Rules footie here, it's football (soccer), rugby and cricket with 2 weeks of Wimbledon and the Ryder Cup for Golf that just about does our sporting calendar!

Sorry to hear Tony is not well, hope he is looking good without the glow soon, my thoughts and prayers are with you. Have a good week, take care - hugs Dxxx

PS you will have to try and put a copy of that photo up!

purchasewoods said...

Poor Foodkitty: I would hate to see your grocery bill. and yes, it was a good game just as any final match should be. The Swans let themselves down a bit but it was really exciting to see them catch up.

Best, L

purchasewoods said...

Leolady - That was meant to be Sydney Swans - they played the final in Melbourne and were beaten by West Coast.

Come on board - the more the merrier. New Zealand won't know what hit it. I wonder how many of you guys would come if I said I was going to the South Pole? Maybe Foodkitty. lol!

Don't have hubbie's results uuntil tomorrow but I am more than a bit concerned as he is starting to feel seriously run down. He has Chron's Disease. It is difficult to manage. Thanks for the good thoughts.



ps: I am so spoiled for ease with the other site that I am struggling here to do all the fancy stuff - like photos.

purchasewoods said...

See ya soon FG.

Hugs, L