Sunday, February 25, 2007


Today we took a girlfriend who is having surgery -out to morning tea. We went to a new place that we have been watching get ready to open. It is on the outskirts of Cygnet, Tasmania and is called theapplefactory.

Theapplefactory is actually a working orchard that has belonged to one family for over 145 years. There are 13,000 fruit trees. Not just apple but pear and peaches. You can have a guided tour of the orchard or just have morning tea in a lovely setting. They have converted the original farm house into a cozy tea house with attached gift shop.

The people were very friendly and not just because we were locals. The food looked incredible. I got a slice of double chocolate cheesecake that about did me in. It was sinful it was so rich. And the presentation - which my husband will tell you is vital (even if it is fish and chips) - was beautiful. The over sized plate held an enormous slice of cheesecake with a light layer of rich chocolate sauce and cream as well as rose petals and a leaf. Beautiful and almost a shame to touch. Of course, I didn't let that stop me. lol! I had to take some of it home as I couldn't eat it all.

One friend had a slice of apricot cheesecake and the other - the biggest rum ball I have ever seen. We all had coffee. The setting was perfect for good conversation and we exclaimed over all the treasures around us. Beautiful quilts handmade by locals graced the walls, as well as little shadow boxes and legends. Family photos helped everyone connect with the owners.

Cygnet is lovely all the time but with apple picking not far off I would highly recommend a visit to this great tea house. Experience the world of primary producers and wallow in a bit of history. The pumpkin lasagna and meat pot pie looked worthy of a try and the pastries will make you salivate. There is a lot more on the menu to tempt you.

It was a wonderful way to spend a few hours. and it cheered our friend no end and took her mind off her surgery. What more could you ask for?

They have a website:


Food Kitty said...

We are coming down the channel on Saturday scalloping (rec fishing has started again - small bag limit but fresh scallops *swoon*) so reading about this is a gem - I have my dibs on a bit of that chocolate cheesecake right now. We haven't explored the areaa for a long time, so I'm sure we will see some changes.
The previous post was a scary one - that sort of ting really shakes you evemn if you don't get hurt. I get impatient soemtimes, but to cross the line to that type of rage is unbeleivable.

purchasewoods said...

Go Foodkitty. That sounds like heaps of fun. On March 24th they are also having a harvest festival down here that will be pretty big. It is being held in Burton's Reserve. Might be worth attending. I love harvest festivals. Be prepared to take some of that cheescake home. lol!

No one really has the right to use a car in that manner. That woman defintely has some issues. We all get irritated in traffic - Hobart can get you nuts. But, a deep breath goes a long way and remembering that the fate of the world does not revolve around getting from A to B - helps. I am not the vindictive type but this one really threw me.

Leolady said...

Hi Lin

I have just read your previous blog and can't believe someone would be so stupid- sorry I revise that yes I can believe it - but don't understand why, I hope your brother is OK and they throw the book at the driver. I know what you mean about society though - in Britain we have never really had a gun or gang culture but in the last two weeks three 15 year olds were shot dead two in their own homes and one at a skating rink - crazy - unfortunately these kids are getting hold of guns and shooting each other (God knows where from) -one was even shot in his bed - 15 and they think it was mistaken identity - his 19 year old sister cradled him while he died - I can't for the life of me understand what does someone who is only 15 do that is so bad that their lives are so cheaply taken - some of those involve apparently are in gangs again this is a fairly new thing for over here it makes you wonder where it will end and fear for our kids growing up here - I think it is one of the reasons so many brits are jumping ship to places like Oz and Canada.

My thoughts and prayers are with your brother for a speedy recovery!

Onto your latest blog - what can I say except I am dead jealous - Choccies & goodies etc were on my list for Lent so nothing for me until Easter - groan!! (get thee behind me Satan -I'm picturing the cheesecake lol).

Take care

love & hugs D xx

Unknown said...

We just missed each other, as I was at the AppleFactory just yesterday (26 Feb). However, I am delighted to have discovered your blog via foodkitty's wonderful blog. Looking forward to reading the rest of your experiences in Tassie.

purchasewoods said...

Thanks for visiting Nina. It was a pleasure to hear from you and I will be over to visit your blog. I enjoyed my visit as you read and intend to make it part of our coffee shop list.

There is a harvest festival which I will write about - on March 24th. It is shaping up to be a big do so keep it in mind.

Sorry I missed you at theapplefactory. lol!

purchasewoods said...

Hi Leolady: As I mentioned before - it does feel like the world is imploding. I think that is shocking that things are extending out. I know that we feel pretty safe here but even little old Tassie is getting the gang scare.

Our kids have so much to contend with these days - it frightens me to think they ahve to be exposed to so much.

My borther is badly bruised but he is okay. I am sure he is having a few nightmares though and I would cringe to think about what him having them. He may be 45 but he is still my baby brother. lol! Poor guy.