Saturday, February 24, 2007

Dont' Come Back From Deadman's Curve Or something Like It

My baby brother runs a towing service and has for 20 years. He is very experienced at it. The other day he got a call and had no other driver to send so he went on the call. A fuel truck for home fuel had broken down. Of course, it was blocking traffic so he got right on it. As he was adjusting something inside the truck in order to hook it up - some woman decided she had waited long enough. She put the pedal to the metal and headed straight for him. She connected.

The only thing that saved him was fast reflex action. Plus, he lifts weights and tow truck chains on a daily basis. He is a large physical specimen. She ran over his foot and took out his shoulder and hand. Then she drove away.

Over people were stopped and someone called 911. They caught her. She was arrested and charged with 'hit and run'. I figure attempted murder about covers it.

I am just furious. What is happening to our society that people think it okay to suffer road rage. I drove those highways for a number of years. I was caught - more than once- in-between exits on the interstate for as long as four hours. Where the nearest exit was only 2 miles away but you couldn't gain entry - and I never once went in to road rage. What is so important in peoples lives that they get so mad that they try to run an innocent party down? It is sick. And a testament to our society.

I hope this woman is extremely grateful that she didn't kill someone. She could never claim it was an accident. It was deliberate. And lucky for her that she didn't kill him or she would have had some righteous anger flowing down on her by our brother's four siblings and assorted family. I hope she is grateful but I fear there was no lesson learned.
Today I feel that as a society we don't need to worry about terrorists - we are imploding. And why isn't anyone noticing. Nothing is more important than a human life. Certainly not running late for an appointment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said.