Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Who Knows Where The Time Goes

I can't believe how fast this year is flying. Yet, when I sit down and try to figure out what I have accomplished - not much gets crossed off my list.

I have been investing heaps of time in my setting up shop on Oztion. It all seems so simple until you get going. I am still in card making mode, templete mode, fillinf orders ,mode and even manning a market stall.

Most of the Circle seem to have drifted away. Well, life is what happens when you are busy making other plans. A big thanks to Foodkitty for ordering cards from me and I hope she likes them.

It is late again. So I have to close. Taffy is still growing like a weed and Pugsley has gone walk about tonight and I am not happy with him. He is lucky he is so little and cute and the neighbours like him.


Food Kitty said...

I did indeed like them (and the extras - THANK YOU)

also like the vibrant fiddling with blog layout you have done...

purchasewoods said...

Foodkitty: I am so pleased that you liked the cards. I would have stuffed more extras in there but I was afraid you would think I went overboard. lol!

It was certainly time for a makeover on my blog. I like the contrasts.