Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Blackberry Time

The blackberries are in overload. We noticed it last night when we went for a wander on our property. I just had to go down to the lower 40 this morning and pick a big bowl full. Since hubbie killed a snake last week I decided to take Ms. Taffy with me. She is about 80 pounds right now (and still under 6 months) and decent protection. She found the snake last week and barked at it until hubbie came over and investigated so I figured she would do me proud today if I needed her. Instead she ate blackberries. lol!

They were so beautiful that I only had to give them a little rinse and then in the fridge they went until tea time. I did sneak one or two and shared a few with Taffy but I showed great self-restraint. And there are heaps more to pick. But I was taking my life in my hands by going down to where they are - without hubbie. I did take the mobile just in case I tripped or my foot gave out though.

A hint - never cut up banana slices to mix in with the blackberries. The banana has a stronger taste that almost over-powered the blackberries. Next picking will be just blackberries for icecream topping and to compliment the museli. But I needed to use up some bananas fast. Does anyone else have a problem when they buy bananas from Purity? Mine seem to ripen quickly when I get them there. Then I end up with too many ripe at once.

So - between card making and blackberry picking and window washing - my day went by quickly. Hey Foodkitty -please note that I blogged along with card making! lol!


Food Kitty said...

good to see you are up and ambulating enough to get blackberries.
Three words only re bananas - sour cream banana cake. OK, four words.

Blackberry and apple crumble cold for breakfast is nice too - partic if you used muesli in your crumble (I think Nellie put me onto the cold for breakfast thing - but it's go-ood)

purchasewoods said...

I need those recipes, Foodkitty. I would make my husband love me forever - lol!