Friday, November 10, 2006

Taffy all worn out from a hard five minutes. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

what a gorgeous!
he's going to grow into a big dog, isn't he?
glad to see you blogging again. hope foot is on the mend!


purchasewoods said...

Hi Foodkitty: Yes, she is gonna be a big one. Lately, I have been thinking of Elsa the lioness. lol!

Foot is coming along but I just can't keep it in down position for long. This too, will pass.

Glad you like our latest addition. She is so funny in the way of all puppies.

purchasewoods said...

Hey FG; Isn't she lovely? She wakes me at 5:30AM to go out. Isn't she fun? Not like I can actually hobble fast to the door yet but we are working on it. lol!


Leolady said...

Ah he's cute and you made me jealous with talk about walks along the beach,being stuck here in London! It's great that you are getting up and about a bit more and I hope your recovery is still going well.

If I win the euromillions lottery I treat you and the wee welshman to all the rugby matches - although the newsreaders are putting that at odds of about 80 million to 1 but it has to be someone and the dreamin' in nice!.

Take care

hugs D xx

Leolady said...

sorry that should read "I will treat you " fingers all over the place a bit like me at the moment - they are all being crossed for that lottery which stands at about £120 million and it would be first class and 7 star all the way for all on the circle we could have a blast on that one! Off to cross my toes as well!!

D xx

purchasewoods said...

Hey FG: Have a wonderful reunion. Talk to ya soon.


purchasewoods said...

Hi Leolady: My fingers are crossed for you to win and not just becuase you will fly us over. I want you to win for you and your family.

You are right - the circle would have a terrific time all together.

I can only keep the foot down for about 5 minutes at a time. I think it might be slightly less swollen today and that means soon it won't be swollen at all. Yeah! Baby steps or in my case - hops!
