Monday, October 23, 2006

October 30th and counting

I received an updated surgical date. I'm going in on the 30th instead of November 8th. I have gone in to serious nesting mode. I have a long list and a short list and the short list keeps getting bigger becuase I am shifting things from the long list. lol!

I am pleased to be even a week earlier as it means getting started on healing faster. I have been in quite a bit of pain and even though I know the pain is going to get worse before it gets better - that is fine. You have to crack some eggs and all that. At least it will be an end to this awful cycle I currently enjoy.

Yesterday we were in soap making mode yet again. This time it was for kitchen use. You add coffee grounds and it gets rid of kitchen smells.Last week it was for gardening hands. We are getting this down to a science but there are still heaps of variations we want to try.

Yesterday I met my first Blue Tongue Lizard. And a fine fat fellow he was. To make my life perfect the bird is back flying in to the window. I am sure her mate is out there cheering her on. lol! I am not superstitious! I am not superstitious! I am not superstitious! Or stuperstitious as the case may be. lol! Did I spell any of those right, FG?

Had good news about hubbie's Chron's now being inactive. So the hernia in his incision from the surgery to remove his illium can be fixed. I called and expected to be told they couldn't get him in to the surgeon until next year and they gave me an appointment for the 31st. That is perfect as hubbie will be visiting me in hospital anyway and the doctor is in Hobart Private hopsital. So things do work out.

I have already applied for my handicap parking sticker. The doctor wanted me to get a permenent one but hubbie told him that I am sure that I will be fine after the surgery has healed so we will just hold off on that. I was so pleased. My biggest champion.

I think I may have screwed up some addresses im my book so if Foodkitty gets Leolady's mail and vice versa - sorry! I am a bit rattled. I'll be back soon.


Anonymous said...

My goodness, that is SOON! Good luck, I know you will be just fien :)

When you are in recovery mode, blog more about your soapmaking, it sounds fascinating.

Also, if you are writing, have you ever tried children's stories. Penguin Australia are actually looking for unsolicited, unagented submissions. Rare!Let me know if you want more details.

Fingers crossed for next week.
PS i've started using this thing called bloglines that lets me know when one of my fav blogs is updated. Nice.
Foodkitty (sorry i thought i was logged in, grrmmpp)

purchasewoods said...

Cool - what is the link for both Penquin and Blog lines?. I certainly will be blogging more. I thought that I was going to be in the studio where the computer is but hubbie has elected to sleep in the spare bed there and give me the master bedroom. lol!

Anonymous said...

bloglines is

penguin - look for Auusie Chomps submissions.

good luck!

Anonymous said...


I love to hear that all is going well for you and T.

Stay wonderful.


Anonymous said...

will be thinking of you.

Isn't this weather awful???

purchasewoods said...

thanks FG, Foodkitty and Potential Waste. Just need to get through the rest of today and tomorrow.

It is raining and cold so I crossed off any outdoor activites on my list. Tomorrow is my favorite school fair so I hope the sun comes out again.

You guys are great!