Thursday, October 12, 2006

Library Rivals

Recently I found out that the population of all of Tassie has now swelled to 480,000. Seems we are no longer a big secret. But, given the fact that we are a whole island - that is not exactly over-crowding.We benefit from the fact that there are still so many small towns.

I mentioned before that our libary allows us to order from any library in the state, visit and take-out stuff from any library and return to any library. I love it. Plus, for towns with no library they have the book bus.

This is all wonderful but it does have it's moments. For instance - several times I have returned a book only to find it is continuing to appear on my receipts or a letter or email saying it is overdue. And it never happens in the small branches. Only the big ones.

I have to take my problem to our branch. It is the closest place for a face-to-face. There is a real rivalry going on between the branches. It can work to your advantage.

I was ordering some books by James Frey when I figured I better see if anything needing renewing, I can do all this on the net. That is when I noticed the dreaded overdue book. I was 99% certain I had returned it but - took the house apart anyway. Sure enough, no book. Even checked the car on and under the seats. No book.

We went down to the branch and I made small talk with the lovely ladies and then mentioned my problem. They asked if I had returned it there but I couldn't remember. They checked their shelves and I checked. Then they got on the phone to the other two branches I use. All the time muttering about how terrible it was when these branches made mistakes and how many had been made recently. In perfect library whispers, of course. Sure enough - there was the book in the biggest of the other two branches. And the branch were not even offering an apology. They never do.

Our ladies were apologising all over the place and still tutting about how awful it was. I can always count on these ladies for anything I need. Just whisper the names of the other 'terrible' branches.


Anonymous said...

PS was your valley fire free? we were safe, but there were a lot of worried people....

purchasewoods said...

Hi Foodkitty: Yes, we were okay this time. But we had gone on a spontaeous picnic On Wednesday - I think it was - and we debated going up Mt. Nelson, out to Richmond and then decided on Wellington. Had we gone to Mt. Nelson we would have hit it because that is the time frame we were up there.

My best friend's children live in Rosny and another friend in Geilston Bay. It was a realy worry.

Glad to hear that you fared well. I was thinking about you.

Best, L

purchasewoods said...

Thanks, Val. The library system is really excellant here. It is the human element that goes wrong - as in any situation.

Hope that cold is all gone.

Hugs, L

{ps:what is your recipe for vegetable soup? lol!}

Val said...

Hi! Thank you for your comments on my blog. I'm overseas at the moment and not posting very frequently, so was happy to see someone new.

As a JUST retired librarian, I was interested in this post of yours. They really do owe you an apology. But I'm very envious of the interlibrary loan service, as you don't mention a fee, is it free? It's normally a rather pricy service, but well worth it for the must-have book.

purchasewoods said...

Hi Val: Good to hear from you. Glad you are keeping your blog up while away. It must help make you feel connected. I know I always try to do that when I am away.

In answer to your question - no fee for the library services. Isn't it wonderful? Our entire population isn't that big - just about 480,000 for the entire island of Tasmania. That may be why the service is offered. Another service offered is for those ill or incapacitated. I am having surgery on my foot and won't be able to get around. So, the library will change the length of time I may keep my items in order to help me out. Isn't that a great service?

It sounds like you are throughly enjoying retirement.

Stay well,
