Friday, October 13, 2006

Fire - Fire - Burning Bright!

Due to lack of sufficent rain fall and heaps of undergrowth, combined with early high temp - all of our area of Tassie and a great many others - are under a complete fire ban. We have already had several days of raging fires. While we are fine right now, I am concerned about other friends in Tassie.

I hope that everyone is well and not under threat from the fires. I figured I would post and let people know we are okay in our council area.

Several states on the mainland are also battling heavy winds and high temps resulting in fires. It is going to be a difficult summer. What upsets me most is that a number of the fires, including those here, were set. It is one thing to have nature strike a blow and quite another to have MAN strike.


Leolady said...

Glad to hear you are OK, but sorry to hear of the fires, when we were in the south of France in the summer fires had ravaged loads of the landscape the week before (and that was caused by someone being careless) in the previous couple of years people had also lost their lives in the area around Frejus.

Thankfully we don't have that problem here in the UK as such, although with global warming it might happen more in our children's time, we get odd fires during some hot summers on moorland but again it is unusual.

I hope your summer doesn't get too bad, I love the summer months when everything is bright and sunny (although I'm not good in scorching heat) and I agree with you about man's carelessness in starting the fires, people never learn, it's like the people who speed 80 miles an hour in the fog etc - man's stupidity or belief that "things don't happen or apply to them" knows no bounds.

Luckily it is still fairly mild here in London, we've had some rainy days but the temp average has been 17-20 plus degrees, which is hot for us at this time of year, but the nights are really getting dark and the clocks go back in 2 weeks urghh! I hate winter months, and it will be time to reach for the thermals soon!

Hope you and the wee welshman are both well and have a great weekend! - hugs D xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi L, my chook dilemna is over.
A neighbour saw my chooks on the street and came in wondering if we had one of his. The chook is now fine - just dehydrated, don't know why it wouldn't drink from our bucket?!
I means though that we have three neighbours who keep chooks - can you beleive it? Also measn we're going over to the chook owners house for a BBQ next Sunday - nice when neighbourhood is neighbourly, eh?

Little Snoring said...

Yep, I think this is going to be a long hot summer. It is the speed of the wind that I find terrifying, coupled with a raging inferno the thought sends me cold. Anyways, I guess it has to happen every so often, but hopefully it will not be too destructive!

purchasewoods said...

Hi littlesnoring: Thanks for peeking in. The one thing we can count on down here is the wind to fan anything. In the summer we have what I call the 3:00PM express - roars through almost every day.

What upsets me most about all the fires is the number that were set by people. Nature often creates a fire but we can understand that. I can't understand the people who do it.

I admit to having an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach.

WendyAs said...

Happy Halloween! If you didn't have N.amercians to remind might slip right by unmentioned down here.

I think those blue tounge lizards are pretty amazing.

Wishing the best for your surgery.