Thursday, October 12, 2006

And So The Plumber

The plumber came and did a perfect job and we had the new high pressure hot water system. But no hot water yet. They had booked the electrician - our regular guy. He was supposed to be here at 10AM. He arrived at 1PM.

As he was having coffee with the wee Welshman, I asked if I now had hot water. Reasonable question, right? Robbie looks at me like 'hopeless female' and says in a few hours. Gives the wee Welshman the 'women' look. Wee Welshman dips his head not wanting anything thrown at him in public. Okay. I made a joke about expecting Robbie to be capable of instant hot water just like the kettle. What I was really asking was, 'Are you sure it is all done?' Wandered away happy and thinking about how much I would enjoy myself washing off all the excess grout my hubbie left behind on some tiles this morning - needing hot water of course.

Four hours later - I fire up the tap and get - 5 minutes of cold water. I meekly present in front of the wee Welshman and tell him in my sweetest voice,
'Either Robbie screwed up or he FAILED to turn the hot water circuit back on.' Now guess who is rolling HIS eyes?

He rushes out to the circuit box and low and behold - the hot water is not turned on. But what do I know? My subtle question trying to nudge Robbie about if he turned it back on was a dumb question. And I now have another four hours before I can enjoy a bubble bath. Maybe I can delay payment on the upcoming bill - tell him I forgot to turn the computer on.

At 1:00AM I finally had hot water.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi L
Thank God for books and computers eh? Gives you something to do while hanging around waiting. Although, we have tradesmen here at the moment and boy when they say they are going to do somehting they do it. FABULOUS!!