Saturday, September 16, 2006

Near Disaster Averted

My husband's parents called last night. They were ten minutes away from a wall burning down when they caught the problem. Dad went to turn off a light switch and found that the switch was hot. He went and turned off the circuit breaker and called my husband's brother, who is an electrician. He came down and sure enough the wiring was bad. He fixed it but told them that ten more minutes would have set the whole wall on fire. What if they had not caught it or worse - had gone to bed? It shook me up and certainly shook hubbie up. He made a joke about it with his father but it sent us thinking. His parents are 84 and 86.

I am the daughter of an electrician and have a brother and two nephews who are electricians. I have a seriously healthy respect for electricity. I have heard a heap of horror stories in my time. All's well that end's well though. Thank God!

I had good news yesterday. My oldest nephew is coming to Australia in March of next year. First he is going to do the Overland Tour and see the Outback. Then he is off to dive on the Great Barrier Reef. He comes here for ten days on April 20th and then does four days in Melbourne. He will certainly take in a lot of the different sides of this beautiful land. My nephew is a world traveler. He works until he has enough money and then off he goes.

He just spent three months in Africia. Did heaps of wildlife viewing and saw Silverback Gorillas up close. How incredible! In November he is off to Istanbul and then here. What a lot of incredible stories he will have to tell. He is also the first relative who will be visiting us. I am very excited.

Last night watched a wonderful movie called 'Japanese Story.' Toni Colette stars in it. It was so good it made me cry. I think she is one of the top actors in the world. Her range is unsurpassed. Anyway, I won't give the story away but if you haven't seen it - it is well worth watching.

I have been polishing all my brass and copper. Still have to have a go at my pewter. About three times a year I start my nesting phase and I just have to have a go at the polishing and window cleaning and cobweb removal. This will pass and hopefully soon. It is hard to keep things clean when your husband is banging around and putting down oak flooring. I'm getting really tired of being a work in porgress. lol!

Thanks Leolady and Foodkitty for the addresses. Let's all get to updating the blogs. I miss hearing news about what is happening with you all.


Anonymous said...

Aww, I loved Japanese Story too. Have you seen her in that movie where two women pretend to be drag queens? Carlotta something - I think she was stunning in that although it was more comedic role.
Great actress.

You must be looking forward to your nephew's trip - imagine the stories he has to tell. I hope he's not the strong silent type.

keep well.

purchasewoods said...

hi Foodkitty: I loved tht movie 'Connie and Carla.' One of the great thigns about Toni Collete is her versitility - don't you think? She just looked like she had such fun making that movie. And 'Japanese Story' was so believeable. She had my heart breaking along with hers. And then of course, there is 'Muriel's Wedding.'

I am looking forward to my nephew's visit. And he is a real talker so we are bound to be entertained. lol! He and hubbie can compare notes.

Hope you are surviving school vacation and getting some writing in.


purchasewoods said...

Hi FG: I was so sporry to hear about the flooding - that is terrible! Did you get much damage?

I hope that you do get to find 'Japanese Story' in English. It is an Australian movie I think. It will seriously impress you.

Look forward to reading your blog and I am sending you some of my energy and positive feelings to help you get through all the mess. Best to F. Take care of yoruself - please.

Hugs, L