Friday, September 29, 2006


Today, while waiting for the wee-Welshman to finish up his second round of a white blood cell scan at the hospital, I was asked for an opinion. You can not imagine my surprise as few people really want the opinion of a Yank these days. Of course they didn't know I was a Yank until I opened my mouth.

A local reporter was doing the 'Passers-By' column. That is where you ask someone for their opinion about a current topic. Just needs to be a few lines. The great thought-provoking question was, 'How will you spend Grand Final Day?' American translation is 'Super Bowl Sunday.' Be still my brain. AFL fever abounds.

Before engaging my brain I blurted out this witty remark, 'Laughing at my son when his team goes down - the Swans are gonna win.' My first thought after that was dumb answer. The reporter loved it. Evidently, no one else had responded that they were going to rag on their immediate relatives. She replied, 'Good answer - Go the Swans.' I almost blurted out, 'Damn straight!' but stopped as I was afraid she would print that as well.

She snapped my photo for the quote. It ought to be beautiful as the wind was blowing my hair all over the place and I had not an ounce of makeup on. The Welshman rousted me too early and only gave me one cup of coffee - no way could I put mascara on and actually get it on my lashes. Hopefully, she found witty people with better responses to publish.

I told Tony about the little interview. Now I am in for it. Hopefully, the radiation they injected him with will act like Kryptonite and he will forget. He is currently in bed glowing in the dark. Perhaps no one we know will recognise me. Or even better - no one will buy the Sunday paper. At least I have the solace of knowing my son will never see the quote. He lives a full body of water and half a country away. And if my team doesn't come good - I am moving to New Zealand.


Anonymous said...

Hi L

I too hope Tony is going well, from glowing at night to glowing health etc..

We have the Weagles in the front room (No.1. son & assorted friends)and Swannies in the lounge (hubby and friends.) Soph and I thought we'd go shopping - too much testosterone for us girlies.

And I think the photo looks fab!

purchasewoods said...

Hi Foodkitty: Well you know th result by now. And I would have run away from that much testosterone as well. lol!

I saw the photo. The wee Welshman remembered when several people told him
his wife was int he paper and couldn't wait to come home and show me.

Sigh! L

purchasewoods said...

Hey FG: I miss you. I will pass on your best to hubbie and of course see you in NZ now that my team lost. lol!

Hugs, L