Thursday, September 07, 2006

Mary Kaying

A friend of mine had never done a Mary Kay party. She felt she was sorely lacking in knowledge so I said we should do one. I hadn't done one in years and they could be fun. So we hooked up with someone and did the party.

Last week we did the facials and then this week we scheduled the make-up party. That is the one I really consider fun and as I told her - you get your colors done and then you at least know what you could look like in make-up. Neither of us wear much make-up anymore. I have long since adapted to country life and like the effects of a BIT of color from the sun. I no longer bake.

We had heaps of fun and now know what we should be wearing. There were only 5 people but it was just the right size party to keep it from being tedious. As I was applying a sheer foundation - I hate heavy make-up - I suddenly realised that my face had gotten very dry. Now, I have never had to do more than a quick wash with soap and a bit of moisturiser. Suddenly I saw patches of dry and the foundation didn't look smooth. I almost jumped up and ran screaming in to the yard. I felt OLD for the very first time.

My girlfriend and the rep noticed my sudden look of a trapped deer in the headlights.
The rep stepped in right away and started telling me what I needed to do to restore the delicate balance. I will get right on that. But it was such a shock. I have always taken my good skin for granted. My mom has beautiful skin and so do my sisters. Of course they have a regular beauty routine. My mother is the Oil of Olay Chairman of the Board. I used to laugh and say I was fine. Now the years of my mom saying moisturise are coming back to haunt me. I felt like bursting in to tears.

I am finally going to have to stop buying the cheapest stuff I can get away with and start shopping in the more expensive range. I still want to run screaming in to the night and I still want to burst in to tears. It better pass in a hurry.

We scheduled another facial party for two weeks away. Dry skin - get thee behind me! Rise Mary Kay and walk again!


Leolady said...

Hi L, great to see you back and I've enjoyed catching up on all your blogs, I almost cried at the one where you said you may have to leave your own little paradise, so few of us ever get to that, I pray you will be able to stay put.

It was great too about hearing about your hubby's trip and how he missed you, it's funny so much of what you say rings a bell, both FG and I married in our 30's but when we go back to our school reunions so many of our friends who married young are either divorced or having affairs. I am quite blunt in my thoughts and I personally feel if you have got to that stage where you want to go off with someone else you might as well call it a day with your relationship - what's the point of carrying on the love has obviously flown!

It's funny you also mentioned that you crochet, as it is one of the few creative things I do too, I don't know if the stitches are called by the same names, as I know in different places the stitch names are different, but if you haven't already done so, have you thought of joining them with some sort of double crochet/chain/slip stitch or treble combination? let us know how it works out.

It's funny as well as you describe being advised to write as you talk, if you didn't gather by the way I rattle on, that's what I do to, not being a writer it's all I can do.

Finally I loved hearing about your Springtime, over here in London it is the start of Autumn/Fall, although the leaves are still on the trees the nights are already getting dark by 7.45 and the winter nights creeping in like tentacles, I hate it when that happens it is so depressing going out in the dark in the morning and coming back again in the dark, it makes you feel so lethargic and gloomy, so please keep stories of the sunshine coming to keep us cheery!

Hope you are keeping well - take care hugs - D xx

Leolady said...

Sorry about the huge message above I was trying to comment on all the blogs I missed, in doing that I forgot to ask what is Mary Kay, we don't have that over here, it's funny cos I used to demonstrate makeup too for a company called Lady K but it was years ago in the 70's, but I agree with FG I find I need more moisturiser now, and it is better to use a night time one as well as this is when the skin rests and replenishes. Any new routine at FG says unsettles the skin for a while as you are usually getting rid of the stuff held in all the layers if I remember correctly it takes about 7-8 weeks for the new skin at the bottom to come to the surface, also the skin round your eyes has less layers so usually needs something just for eyes. I certainly go through more moisturisers than I used to (don't forget the neck - I'm guilty of that and will probably end up looking like a turkey. I have to use clinique myself as the perfume in a lot of products reacts badly with my skin and at my age teenage spots on a 49 year old isn't a good look!! have a great weekend - hugs - Dx

PS I was also recommended to wear sunscreen even in the winter cos of the damage to the ozone layer, so I wear a moisturiser with a sunscreen built in and it does help stop a lot of the dryness especially with centrally heated buildings which is something we have hear for about 7-8 months of the year.

purchasewoods said...

Hi FG: Thanks for the advice. I find Mary Kay too expensive nio matter how good it is. Got out my book on natural remedies to see what I could do at home. But you know - that runs in to some big money as well if you don't have many of the items on hand.

I appreciate the advice and the help!
At least we had fun playing around. And I got a wake up call. lol!

Hugs, L

purchasewoods said...

Hi Leolady: Thanks so much for all the good advice as well. We need to take all this stuff on board and work things out. I need all the advice I can get.

We are using a wood stove for heat and that is very drying. We keep the heater off in the bedroom which also helps. My hubbie generates a huge amount of natural heat. lol!

I put water in a pan on top of the wood heater when it is running. That helps keep moisture coming. And helps my sinus.

I do need a different moisturiser at night than in the day. Ozzie sun can be brutal. Takes a lot less time to burn here than over on the East Coast of the States. So I no longer bake on the beach as I once did. I even have a selection of straw sun hats. And I never thought I would be caught dead wearing those. lol!

I wear glasses a lot instead of my contacts to help protect my eyes. Yet, I see I still have a lot of adaptation to do.

Great to hear from you. Thanks for all the help.

Oh - Mary Kay is a legendary form of skin products sold the same way as Avon. I also use Clinique when I can afford it. I love their sales and their little travel size freebies. It is just that I had gotten away from all the makeup buying since I wasn't going through it so fast - anymore. This was my wake-up call. lol!

Leolady said...

I always use the clinique freebies too and stock up in the duty free when I go away as it's expensive to buy overhere although it lasts for quite a while - as for the sunhat ask FG about my one! this year she said I looked like a typical brit abroad I got a huge one from Marks & Spencer which the brim can be worn up or down, as I noticed I was getting small brown and white patches on my skin despite always using the highest sun factor available - although when I was younger I think all we had was the avon sunscreen, I must admit I always thought my skin was wearing well, but the near I have got to 50 the dryer it has become - you should see FG though she has the skin of a 20 year old!! I think she has a portrait of Dorian Grey in the basement! (lol)

They also say drinking water is good for the skin - but to be honest almost 3 years ago I gave up caffiene and fizzy drinks, rarely drink alcohol and always now drink water and despite what the experts says it hasn't made the slightest bit of difference that I can see, although I must admit my heavy smoking friends are beginning to line their faces at a faster pace than FG and I (miaow!)

Have a great weekend

hugs D xx

purchasewoods said...

I think she has a portrait of Dorian Grey in the basement! (lol)

Haha! Truth reveled. FG send us the secret formula for the DG painting. lol!

Hi Leolady!Glad to read I am not the only owner of a sun hat. Hubbie is always finding me new ones and then hollering at me to put one on. I prefer to hang them on a wall. lol.

I carry water around but I have never been able to kick the diet coke habit on a regular basis. What will be will be. Becoming a reformed smoker is even harder but the only failure for me is the failure to try.

Enjoy your weekend as well.

Hugs, L

Anonymous said...

Still can't blog properly, but its foodkitty anyway.
Before I was a foodkitty, I was skindoctor, did lasering and botox and that sort of thing. Got a bit hooked on Botox and had to go cold turkey but that's another story. But I am passionate about my skin care. and probably don't scrub up too badly as a result.
So here's my two cents worth, if it's worth that.
Cleanser- I use cetaphil - huge 500 ml dispenser around $20 from the chemist. Always use a day cream with SPF - I use Nivea Visage from Coles.
Night creams - these are the biggies where I think paying for a good cosmeceutical is worth it. Also they are quite irritant so need to go on when there is no chance of sun exposure.
1)surface chemical exfoliants - the fruit acids, hydroxacids, glycolic acids etc. All basically the same. Basically help slough off dead skin - therefore look smoother and then the other bio-active creams can work on newer skin
2) vitamin A (retinoids and derivatives) mature age acne sufferers noted that their wrinkles faded as their acne improved. They were using high doses and you can't get this level without a prescription, but some like the Lancome ones are quite concentrated. Irritate the hell out of sensitive skin, so only use sparingly and not every night. Never use in summer, sensitising skin to UV.
3) Vit C and derivatives - ascorbic acid good anti-oxidant and increased collagen synthesis. Allegedly, but I'm not going to stop using mine.
4) John Plunketts superfade - can't remember the active in this, smells awful first ten minutes you got it one. 'bleaches' hyperpigmented areas. again, some skins just don't like it. good to rejuvenate back on hands if you don't want laser
5) all of the above. Some creams say they have the lot. perhaps they do. I just use a different one each night then put lashings of nivea over the top(the one in the dark blue pot we used to call cold cream)

sorry for filling up your blog. I'm not posting on Hobart Life again until I can upload my photos in this bloody beta blog. I can't transfer back to ordinary blogger either. poop.

have a good evening. i wrote 400 words today, but the kids are home so that ain't bad considering

purchasewoods said...

Hi foodkitty: Great advice there. I will print it out. It is incredible how many people have offered their help and shared their own experiences. It will help me heaps.

Thanks again,


purchasewoods said...

Hey FG: Off to see what you have been up to this past week. Besides posting excellant photo of the yellow rose.
