Monday, September 04, 2006

I'M Back - I Hope!

I have been off the site for a while. First of all I changed my Internet contract in an attempt to be economic. Of course, I shot myself in the foot. Halfway through the month of August I had used up my quota and I finished up at 125% of my usage. Ouch! And of course, it would happen when Tony was away for five days on the mainland and I had all this free time to surf the net and write. I ended up working around the house instead.

So I have sorted out my usage and gone back to unlimited downloads and now I can get back to writing and surfing. In-between doing all the other things I need to do.

Spring is here and the yard is filling up with daffs, jonquils, hyacinth, and daisies. The fruit trees are either budding up or in blossom. It is really lovely. The wattle trees are loaded with flowers in all shades of yellow and my ‘Happy Wanderer’ vines are massed with purple flowers. The contrasting colors are a visual delight.

I have also been crocheting circles. I have 120 at the moment. I am going to make a very colourful bedspread when I am done making circles. I just have to figure out the best way to connect them.

I’ve also been working on some greeting card designs. I had several family members who needed to receive a card last month so they all got homemade ones. I was pleased with the results. I will continue making them.

I was of two minds about renewing my membership with WC but I talked with Tony and Mary and decided to renew it. I just haven’t been getting any writing done and felt it was a waste. The solution is to get down to business and make time every day for some writing. Besides, I would miss some people if I wasn’t
reading their journals or blogs.

Well this entry isn’t meant to be anything but an update on where I have been. I will write something better - I hope – in my next entry.


Anonymous said...

Hi Foodkitty here
Lovely to see you back. Sounds like you're getting the creative juices flowing with the crochet and cards, even if it's not translating into words on page.
Showing off now, I've done 1500 words today. In a bit of a plot bind now, so time to leave it and maybe get back tomorrow..

purchasewoods said...

Hi Foodkitty: Great to hear from you. I can't believe how many words your wrote. lol! I feel like I have been really slack now.

Thanks for checking in to see if I had written anything. I am working on some more.


Tainted Female said...

I miss daffodils lin!!!

In this case, I AM envious! We don't have them here!

How about some photos of them cards you're making? I'd love to see them!

purchasewoods said...

Hi A! Great to hear from you. I am gonna try to take a photo of the daffs for you tomorrow and I will send you one of the cards so ya can see.
You sound like you are doing good.

Hugs! L

purchasewoods said...

Hi FG: I haven't forgotten about the things for you and F. I got caught up in crocheting the circles for my bedspread and set the drawing aside. I am itching to get back to it but I feel compelled to finish the bedspread now that I am buried in circles. lol!

We are doing good - Spring is sprung and that always makes me feel bursting with energy. lol!

Best to F. And big hugs to you. L

purchasewoods said...

Hi FG: I haven't forgotten about the things for you and F. I got caught up in crocheting the circles for my bedspread and set the drawing aside. I am itching to get back to it but I feel compelled to finish the bedspread now that I am buried in circles. lol!

We are doing good - Spring is sprung and that always makes me feel bursting with energy. lol!

Best to F. And big hugs to you. L