Monday, September 18, 2006

I Got Mad Today

Letter I wrote and sent to the newspaper on hubbies behalf, today.

After many years of enjoying the benefits of living in Australia I made the decision to apply for citizenship.I filled out the paperwork, attended the interviews, and passed the security checks. I received a letter telling me that Australia was pleased to accept as a citizen. The letter stated that our local council would notify me when the ceremony would be.

Wanting to be sure everything was in order I took the letter straight to the Huonville Council. They copied the letter and told me I would hear from them in about 6 to 8 weeks saying when the ceremony would be held. Weeks went by and no notification arrived.

This past weekend all over Australia people were sworn in as Australian citizens. I never received any news from our council.

Today I called the council. After flipping me around to four different people, I finally got to speak to the person in charge of setting up the ceremony.

I was told this person had been on vacation for the last two weeks and was swamped. I was the only person needing to be sworn in and besides the Mayor was too busy until November.

The decision to give up my British citizenship and become Australian was not made lightly by me nor should it be by anyone. We are constantly encouraged to become Australian citizens. This decision on the individual’s part should be treated by government employees, be they Mayors or clerks, with respect as well.

If the council could not be bothered holding a ceremony for one person they should have referred me to the next closest council or to the Hobart City Council. I am sure that more than one person was due to be sworn in there.

I am deeply disappointed in the failure of the council to see an individual tax paying resident as worthy of a follow-up effort. And on a higher level to see that person’s decision to become an Australian as so unimportant that they could not at least offer them the opportunity to be sworn without a ceremony or to be sworn in with other individuals by another council holding the ceremony.

T. Young


Anonymous said...

Hi L

What a shame! I bet the council has time to deal with you if you don't pay your rates on time.

And I still can't believe you are posting at 4:12am!!

purchasewoods said...

Hi Foodkitty! Yes, you can bet the would be screaming if we were behind on our rates. It just was so nuts. Like Hobart wouldn't have had a ceremony going or Kingston.

I think that this blog posts in American time or something. I am definitely not writing at that time of the morning. I'm lucky if I know my own name then! lol!

Leolady said...

Unfortunately it is a sympton of our "can't be bothered" and the "it's not my problem" attitude of today, couldn't he have the dual nationality like FG? either way I hope it gets resolved either way - thanks for your comments and I enjoy reading your blogs - I am ashamed to say I am lagging behind but have had a lot of problems with work so haven't been spending enough time to sit down properly and blog just been popping in to read eveyones - although we need to get the circle back on line.

Hope all is well in Oz unbelievably it is mid-day here in London and 27 degrees our seasons are definately getting blurred the leaves are still green on the trees whereas usually they are usually changing for the autumn - I guess yours will be the reverse are you going into spring? if so lucky you our days are already much shorter and it is getting darker at both ends of the day - it's really depressing when you know they dark winter days are ahead it just makes everything so gloomy! have a good week - hugs D xx

PS your talk of the bush creatures the other day - reminded me of an article I saw last week there have been 10,000 sightings of exotic animals here in the UK including, panthers, leopards, black widow spiders, wallabies etc apparently they are either escaping from private zoos or being brought here in freight from abroad and because of the changing climate due to global warming they are not only surviving but breeding - I thought Oz had the market on black widows we just usually get daddy long legs!!

purchasewoods said...

Hi FG: Yes, he can have both, The thing is that our kids have been after him for ages to become an Aussie citizen so he took the plunge. We did everything they asked.

It was our local council that fell down on the job. And the attitude of the person he spoke with was that she couldn't care less. And believe me - the only thing our mayor could possibly be so busy with us frying fish and chips in his shop. There are not that many functions he has to attend.

All they really had to do was redirect Tony to Hobart or Kingston. The 2 closest places that would have been holding ceremonies. And they were givena copy of Tony's letter of acceptance way back in the start of July. So they had more than enough time to let Tony know.

Anyway, hopefully that will coem together by November. If it doesn't - more than just the newspaper is going to get a letter.

Okay - off my soapbox now. xxxx

purchasewoods said...

Leolady: Please be careful when out walking at night. That stuff about what is escaping scared me and i am all the way over here. lol!

It was great to hear from you. Thanks for the support. It is always welcome.

I hope we all start posting more in the near future. I love reading about what is happening for you all.


Anonymous said...

Hi L
good to see you out and about blogging comments again.

Thought of you the other night when a citizenship ad (V expensive and glossy) came on before Creature Comforts.

If you are still having trouble with your mayor, complain to the Director of Local Government, Marguerite Scott, Department of Premier and Cabinet, 10 Murray St, Hobart.
I think your mayor needs a kick up the khazi!

Anonymous said...

Good morning
When you get a chance, check out little snoring's blog. She's a very crafty young Tassie blogger - posted beautiful photos of the hand made quilt she has made in prep for baby.

purchasewoods said...

Foodkitty: Hi! We've been up to our eyeballs here so I behind in my blogging. Spring has sprung.

Thanks for the info about the Director of Local Govn't and the address. I will keep it in mind.

Also, thanks for the info on the new blog to look at. I will visit it.

Hope all is well with you.


purchasewoods said...

Hey FG: Miss you heaps. Gotta go look at some photos someone I know posted. lol!

Will post on T when I know more.
