Monday, September 04, 2006


I mentioned that Tony had been away for five days. He went back to the mainland to visit his parents and be sure they were okay. He also went to a rugby reunion. Many of his teenage friends were going to be there. These are people that Tony has remained in contact with most of his life. I really wanted him to go and enjoy himself. These opportunities don’t come along very often. After having gone over to visit his friend that was dying twice, I wanted him to have a happy reason for getting together with old friends.

Off he went. His father had been invited to the reunion as he was a past recording secretary and finance secretary of the club. Tony went with his dad and his friends and they had a really good time. Tony ended up dancing up a storm with the wives whose husbands were too busy drinking to dance. He said that one guy was so drunk he ended up dancing with a chair. Whatever floats your boat.

I guess I was a wee bit jealous that other women got to dance with my husband when the only dancing I get to do is a slow dance around the sunroom. My right foot just won’t co-operate with anything faster. But I do have a husband who believes in spontaneous dancing with his wife when he hears a song he loves and thinks is romantic. So I can’t really complain.

Tony called every day and sometimes twice a day. I knew where he was all the time and what he was planning on doing. And he always told me he loves me and misses me. Plus, he is interested in what I am doing. Doesn’t just give me lip-service.

I admit that I was gratified when he came through the door, grabbed me in a big hug and declared he was NEVER travelling again without me. He noticed everything I had done in the house while he was away, checked out my drawings, and the number of circles I had crocheted and listened to my worries about family and friends without falling asleep. And I know he was exhausted. Lol!

As I listened to him talk about his friends lives I started to worry that maybe he regretted his current life. I asked him. He said no. He wouldn’t want their lives. Nor their relationships with their partners. He told me he must be pretty stupid because it turned out that friends he thought had great relationships were screwing around on their partners or turning their backs on them. Some no longer communicated with each other. One had a wife that had breast cancer and double mastectomy and was screwing around on her.
He couldn’t fathom it. And again, I was grateful. Grateful to have a husband who lives with someone with a chronic problem that curtails his life on a regular basis but loves me just the way I am. I am a very lucky woman – I think. My husband heard every word of his marriage vows and he lives by them. Not grudgingly. Just considers them matter of fact.

I’m glad to have him home. A few days once in a while apart makes you appreciate each other all the more, in my experience. I am content with my choice for a partner and so is Tony.


Tainted Female said...

I’m almost envious. But honestly, so far… my guy isn’t that bad either. It’s great to have you back!

My regards to Tony!

Anonymous said...

Did you really do this post at 5:37am? My husband is away for a week this week. Already I miss him. Still my best friend after 25 years.

I always appreciate your comments; I really like your blog. What I like most is the level of personal feeling you put into it - that is wonderful. I envy your ability to be frank - I like to hide behind pseudonyms and facts; not express feelings.

I will be so glad when these blogger issues are sorted and we can be one big blogging community again...

purchasewoods said...

Hi Foodkitty. Thanks so much for the lovely comments. The best advice I ever got was to write like I was talking. And I have a few friends that have been huge in the help department.

I'm so pleased that you are looking in and you know I really like reading your blog. Hopefully, these issues will be sorted soon.

purchasewoods said...

Hi FG! Glad to be back on and typing away. I've missed you. Absence definitely makes my heart grow fonder with the wee-Welshman. lol!

His desire to travel with me will be fullfilled in Dec. We are already booked. Although we have to be crazy to travel in that month.

Hugs! L

purchasewoods said...

Hi FG: We are off to the mainland, First to see my in-laws for a week and then to see our daughter. Big family Christmas in the works with by children and their partners in attendance. I am very excited. I love a big family Christmas.

Hugs, L