Saturday, September 09, 2006

Agony Aunts, Creature Comforts and Wallabys

An incredible thing is happening with my hubbie. In the last year he is turning in to an Agony Aunt. Women are telling him their problems. Crying on his shoulder about broken hearts and lousy relationships.

I don't mean that it is incredible as if I am astounded that any woman would want to talk to him. Just that lately, it seems all the women want to talk to him about their broken hearts. Usually, Tony is the one to call when you want to laugh and have fun.

This new role began when he was visiting his mate that was dying. Then it extended to some old friends from his teenage years, then an old friend here. Now it is extending to women at work. Tonight he came home and once again stated how glad he was to be happily married and in particular - married to moi.

He explained that one of the women he works with had had a sad run with men and lately had found someone she was really happy with and they had even talked marriage. Today, at work, the woman got a text message saying it was all over and the guy never wanted to see her again. No explaining. Just the shaft. The poor woman did her best to hold it together but by the end of the work day she fell apart. She asked Tony if he wanted to go to the pub and have a drink but he declined. Told her jokingly that he wasn't allowed and besides he couldn't afford drinking at the pub. Bottom line - he then worried about her state of mind. He tried calling her best mate who also works with hubbie. We tried for 3 hours to reach the woman and couldn't get her. Hubbie thought she would go and check on the woman in distress if we could reach her. I was proud of him for having so much compassion.

My hubbie is a lovely man in my eyes. He can be a bit pragmatic and generally says exactly what he is thinking. I figure that is good because you always know where you stand with him but some people don't like it. This is a new gentler side of him. He is always that way with me but it is lovely to see him caring so much and becoming such a good listener that people are telling him their problems.

At the same time, it is lovely to be married to someone who tells me he is happy he has me and how lucky he feels. The feeling is of course mutual. He was saying last night that more and more he sees how good is to have a wife that cares about what he thinks, feels, wants, and watches his health. We don't want to take each other for granted. And that is so easy to do when you are caught up in the little or big dramas of everday life.

I try to stay aware that hubbie is also an attractive man and I am seeing that other woman find my guy as sympathetic and gentle as I see him. And you know, that is a good feeling.

Another little thing I wanted to talk about was a great little British treasure called 'Creature Comforts. We sat there tonight watching it and laughing our heads off. It is great and all my friends that get UK TV should have a look at it. I love the British sense of humor. It is done in the style of the Wallace and Grommit (?) characters. They interview real people about different subjects and then make these animals to suit what the conversations are about. They apply the voices to the characters. It's really funny. Birds talking about flying like they are jet pilots etc...

Finally, I spent quite a bit of time today watching my resident Wallabys. They were outside our bedroom and my studio windows. They are such gentle creatures. Fluffy and brownish - grey. Beautiful dark brown eyes. They were grazing on the new grass. They are welcome to every bit they want. I love to watch them and I love that they feel so comfortable so close to the house. Perfect peace descends on me while viewing their activities.


Leolady said...

The wallabies sound lovely, I have only ever seen pics of them or on nature programmes, all I see out of the front window is cars, and the odd urban fox in the back garden.

As for Creature Comforts, I am a huge Wallace & Grommit fan - I love the Close Shave one, it's Nick Park's attention to detail, like Grommit's expressions and things like the newspaper headlines etc. Do you get a lot of UK TV overthere, all we have is Neighbours and Home and Away from Oz (must admit when I am at home I do drop in on Ramsey Street, I know it's corny but it's something we grew up with)we also get a few of the American series like the CSI type ones and my 16 year old is a Lost fan - although I lost interest in episode 2!

Have a good weekend - hugs Dxx

Anonymous said...

James and I love Creature Comforts - we lie on the couch and when the bit where the cat and dog lie on their couch comes on - well, that's us that is.

Anonymous said...

PS have you watched Extras on a Wednesday night?

Anonymous said...

leolady: -I can't comment on your blog at the moment because I'm a beta blogger. If you allow anonymous comments in your settings, I'd be able to....

and sorry for posting here again L :)

Leolady said...

There is a new series of extras starting new week here in the UK

purchasewoods said...

Hi Leolady: Our wallabys are lovely. I think it is a female and a male. Or a mom and kiddie. More likely a happy couple. I am trying to get a photo of them but everytime I get out there with the camera they have moved off.

Sent FG photos of their home.

Creature Comforts just slays us. I will have to look for Extras as I haven't seen that one yet.

Hope you had a great weekend. Monday night here for us, now.

Hugs, L

purchasewoods said...

Foodkitty: Now that is a real easy mental image for me. You two looking like the cat and dog. lol!

Hubbie and me - we have two large couches and we sprawl all over them. I'm on the one closet to the woodstove and he stays as far away from it as he can. We can throw things at each other. lol!

I'm so pleased to find others who love Creature Comforts. We were hysterical over the baby birds the other night.

Having UK TV and ABC stops us missing any of them.

Great to hear from you.


{ps:Have you gone to Pear ridge yet?}

Anonymous said...

Hi Foodkitty here.

Meant to be writing, but you know....

Have only been to pear ridge once. can't write about it because I have nothing positive to say - that was a while ago though.
What about you? Any local goss about it? Always perpared to give somethig a second go.

Which is why I should go to Salamanca again sometime soon.I stopped going when the chinese imports started to outnumber the local crafts and the food stalls became dagwood dog dispensers. I think there is now a movement to get the local integrity back, so maybe this weekend..


Leolady said...

Sorry I just have to ask what is a dagwood dog dispenser? - as for Extras if it is the same one as here it is done by Ricky Gervais who did "The Office" and features loads of stars like Samuel L Jackson, Orlando Bloom etc who all do cameos where they are sent up. Have a good week -D x

purchasewoods said...

Hi Foodkitty and Leolady. Just answered you each with reply on my email so hopefully you will receive email from me. Let me know if you don't. Okay?


Anonymous said...

Hi L
didn't come through :(



dagwood dog dispensers = people selling crapulous bits of food called dagwood dogs; allegedly a saveloy on a stick dipped in batter and deep fried. usually eaten by children followed by pink fairy floss shortly before getting on fairground rides!

Leolady said...

That sounds gross!!! -

Hi L your e-mail didn't come through to me either - FG has my e-mail ask her to pass it on (I haven't put it up here as I only have one and it's being bombarded with loads each day from either my hubbies rugby or the boys, I don't mind you having it but didn't want to put it up for all to see and get bundles of junk mail!

Have a good weekend - D

purchasewoods said...

Thanks Foodkitty and Leolady. Will follow through on that, You guys are all great.

Hugs, L