Friday, July 07, 2006

The World's Two Best Diet Reasons

It came to me the other day what the world's two best reasons are for starting a diet. The first one is a flat out shocker. Our son sent us his video camera as he no longer uses it and he thought we would like to get some video for hubbie's parents and my mom. Of course we would and like any kid with a new toy I went to town. I videoed anything that didn't run out of the frame. It was a trial run. The only running that happened was me. Screaming in to the night when I saw myself on playback. My hubbie had taken his turn with the new toy as well. Weight Watcher's point system just came out of moth balls. lol!

The second great diet impetus was my trying to balance our budget with the current cost of gas. To run the car we are going to have to give up food. We live in the country. It costs lots of fuel to go anywhere. There will be drastic changes in the 'let's take a drive to nowhere' philosophy we currently entertain. And the extra money has to come from somewhere. That would be the food budget. I guess it is the most flexible item we have.

We could win on several levels here and the way I see it, as long as I keep playing that video feedback and cutting back on the food budget we are bound for the thin look.


1 comment:

purchasewoods said...

Hi FG:I had to send my ego out the door. It was pouting too much. The system seems to be working and no complaints from the wee Welshman so we are on track. lol.

Big kiss and hug.