Thursday, July 20, 2006

Let's Be Careful Out There

The Internet is a wonderful way to make new friends and help run your life. There is a true information highway, banking at the touch of a finger, shopping, mail, and business opportunities. People can work from home in ways they never dreamed of before. You can get your education on-line. In my case, it allows me to be in instant contact with family and friends overseas making me a bit less homesick. But for all the wonderful things that happen there are ways that the Internet can be a disaster.

I have just watched what happens when miscommunication occurs between two people that considered themselves the best of friends. And it is really very sad. They met on-line. And that is how I met them.

The gory details are not important. What is important is that life on the Internet can seduce you in to a false sense of well-being. We enjoy meeting new people and we start to share the details of our lives. We feel we have made a connection. We form fast attachments and email furiously back and forth. Sometimes we even get to meet in person. But mostly this all happens while we are on-line in the comfort of our own home.

Often we find ourselves spending more and more time on-line so we can spend time with these new friends. They can become more real than the people around you. Gradually, you can become more and more intimate with these friends.

It is easier in may ways to be friends on the Internet. Easier to share the intimacies when you are not looking in to the other person’s eyes or reading their body language. Perhaps this makes us feel safer because we are not being ‘judged’. It is individual for everyone.

There is danger in allowing friendships to develop so quickly. I am not being cynical. Friendship needs to develop over time. Shared experiences. Not just entering a contest together or sharing a joke on IM or email. In some ways Internet friendships are like reading a book by a well-loved author. We fall in love with their characters and the lives they live. We relate to their experiences because maybe we have had a similar life experience. We want to keep the book and read it again. But we can’t live there. And we can’t live on the Internet.

Not being in the same room or even in the same town. Not ever sharing a meal or seeing how a person acts around others. Never seeing another’s environment or their friends and family – all these things affect who a person really is. And without them we can really only guess who the other person is. So we run the risk of being disappointed. And hurt and hurting the other person back.

I am not saying that we should never make on-line friendships or that they are bad. I have been enriched by the many new friends I have made on-line. Yet, I have taken it slow. I try not to make demands on these friendships or put expectations on them that the other person may not be able to meet. I try to enjoy the people for who I perceive them to be and hope that they will enjoy knowing me. I try to be clear about what I think they are trying to communicate. And I take it slow. That is important – taking it slow.

Two of my friends didn’t do that. And now they are angry and hurt. They are disappointed with each other And disillusioned. And it is very sad to see. Because I am sorry they are hurting and I like them both.

The lesson here is to take advantage of what the Internet can offer but do so with your eyes open and tread carefully. We can have friends all around the world or even across the street – on-line. But we need always, to be aware. And never make more of life on-line then it really is. Opportunity but not the most important thing in our lives.


Tainted Female said...

I'm aware of this situation and I was shocked to learn about it myself a while back. I think the thoughts you've shared here have a lesson for us all in them.

Though... I love you terribly and I've only ever known you on line, really.

:( Time for me to take a trip to Australia, I think!

Tainted Female said...

Or even better, time for you to take a trip here!

purchasewoods said...

Hi FG And TL: Your guess is probably correct. Things are in a sad state. I have been lucky, I guess, with my friendships. But I really think that we need to be careful about unrealistic expectations. And some aren't.

I am fortunate with both of you.


Leolady said...

I think you are probably spot on as it is easy to get carried away, apart from the blogging I have never been on chat rooms etc or spoken via e-mail to anyone I don't know. But I must admit it has been nice to link to the people on FG circle and see through your eyes different parts of the world. It's slightly different for me I have known FG for many years since our schools days and trust her judgement so I figured if she thought you OK you must be.

But it is sad for your friends, you are right we can all create another persona on line, maybe the person we would like to be or put the people we meet into the category we would like, maybe we unintentionally try to put a square peg into a round hole, I know without consciously doing it, you build a mental picture of what you think a person may look like or be like, it's hard not too.

(For the record I am a 5ft 2in very round middle aged mum - and no I am not joking! but was probably a bit liberal with the round part! I talk far too much, ramble on, yoyo up and down with moods,my brain bounces round all over the place, forever on a diet except where there is ice-cream or chocolate around, but am alsoloyal to those I know and love, oh and bonkers too!! thought I'd get that out of the way so no illusions!!)

But you are right, we have to be cautious and sometimes we don't see it coming, I had two "Friends" one I knew from the age of 2 and the other from 11, and was badly let down by both in the last few years but learnt my lesson and although disappointed moved on, so it's not just faceless on-line people it happens to but can hit us in all forms, maybe if your friends get to know the real people behind the screens they might make up, if not they are probably better leaving the illusions they have created behind them and as you say be more wary for the future.

Have a great weekend, and keep blogging I love hearing about your adventures down under!! - D

Food Kitty said...

We tell our kids to be careful in the ether of the www, then we forget those cautions ourselves. I love blogging for those moments between real life - the ones that would just get filled mindlessly with TV. After a good blog, I can put pen to paper (not literally, although I do love purple ink on good paper. It must free up something inside my brain and make me more open to creative writing...cheers, DG

purchasewoods said...

Hi domi.goddess: Welcome to my blog. I shall repay the compliment of your visit.

I think that blogging does free us up and expand our creativity. And I love purple ink. lol.

I always end up pulling out the old fountain pens. I still have to have a new one once a year. I write better with them.

We do need to heed the warnings that we give our children. As I mentioned, I have been very fortunate with the friends that I have made on-line. They truly enrich me and help me grow.

purchasewoods said...

Hi Leolady: I'm 5'2", light brown or red hair according to my mood and always thinking about or going on a diet. lol. Thanks for sharing that.

You are lucky to have known FG for so many years. I am happy she is my friend and she has helped me to make new friends. That is a blessing.

And it certainly is true that how long you know someone doesn't really dictate if the friendship will continue. I just feel really bad about these types of misunderstandings. It truly is a misunderstanding for them.

I hope they repair the friendship. It is a real loss for both of them.

Thanks for stopping in again. I enjoy your visits. L