Sunday, July 02, 2006

Living In Australia

I said that I would start to post about what life is like for an American living in Australia. I am a few days late with that but my intentions are good. lol!

I can think of no better way to start than by posting a short story that I wrote and had published in the local community paper. It is about the difference in language. We come to an English speaking coutnry thinking that we will have no problem communicating, as we speak 'English'. I put that in quotes as there are so many varieties of English. When I would visit another state or live in another state in the USA, I would call my mother and with-in minutes she would be asking when I would be speaking the 'King's English'. Quite a hoot coming from a woman who lived in New England. Her relatives arrived from Ireland on America's shores in the very early 1800's. Of course she really meant when was I going to start talking in a proper New England accent.

Well exactly the same thing happened when I moved here. On a much bigger scale. The following is the story as it appeared in the paper. I hope it is enjoyed by all. If you have already read it - hello Val - you can certainly give it a miss this time. lol!

Ooops! I lost it be right back.

This may take longer than I thought. The computer is not letting me cut and paste. I wrote an article on computers as well. I may have to publish that one. lol!

For reasons unclear to me I can not cut and paste the story. All help would be gratefully received.


Leolady said...

Hi, sorry can't help with the cut and paste - I'm totally hopeless on this, but look forward to reading your article when it's up.

I've just realised the date and don't know how many hours you are ahead of London,(it's 6.20 p.m. here) but as a yank living in Oz I'd thought I'd wish you Happy 4th July!!!

purchasewoods said...

Thanks so much for doing that leolady. I have an old firend who lives in London. She married and Irishman and they moved to London. We laugh about the Brits not really caring about July 4th. lol!