Saturday, July 22, 2006

Traci's Marvelous Sand Bags

My friend Traci has been doing a great job of changing her lifestyle for a while now. She is my most inspiring diet example.

It's not that Trac was so much over weight but she has MS and every extra pound is a problem for her. She works at keeping herself going. And she had gained a bit of weight - probably 30 pounds she didn't want or need.

We chatter like magpies when we are together. I knew everything she was doing to help her get rid of the weight. It has been 18 months now that she has been at it. She has haunted health and diet websites, searched the local library from top to bottom, and polled anyone she thought looked like they had lost weight. And she made up her own dieting tips. They are good and sound tips. I am reaping all the benefits of Traci's hard work. I should have started when she did but I had too much crap going on and not enough motivation. She is a great cheerleader though and yesterday she showed me one of her favorite inspirational pieces.

Traci got a bunch of baggies and hit the sand pile they had on their property. She took along her trusty scales and she weighed out 1 kilo or 2.2 pound bags of sand and closed them up. Then she made some 500 gram or 1.1 pound bags. She takes them out according to her weight loss for the week and feels the true loss she has achieved. Sometimes she puts them on her stomach or under her arms or on her thighs so she can see just how unattractive all that extra is. I was rolling around laughing when she showed me her bags. And we laughed even harder when she started putting them all over her body. We must have been a sight for the husbands.

Then we got enough bags out for my current weight loss (the one Tony keeps looking around the house for)- 'I still haven't found it, dahhhhhling. You did a good job losing it.' Very funny man - not. It felt great to heft those bags and put the loss as something tangible in my mind.

You don't always see a weight loss at first. Even though the scales swear it. Or even if your clothes feel a bit baggy. But try lifting those sand bags and you will be doing the dance of joy. And it's heaps better than going down to the butchers and asking for smelly old fat in kilo bags. I am going to make some of my own and not have to worry about freezing them. And when I am all done with them I can start to fill up the whale pond or make my own beach.

In my dictionary under inspiration it says, 'see Traci.'


purchasewoods said...

I thin I have it sorted now, FG. Traci does have a great ideas and some of them would look wierd but they are uaually right on the money. We laugh alot. Thanks heaps!


Tainted Female said...

I can't even attempt to picture this one Lin! lol
I think it's nuts! But I can see how it would work!

Creative friend she must be!

purchasewoods said...

It is nuts guys but it really works. Of course, the fact that we got so hysterical with laughter while playing with the bags didn't hurt either. I think you burn more calories laughing than you do crying. At least I hope so. Traci really is an inspiration. lol.

Leolady said...

I think the bags are a great idea, I am going to weigh out some 1 stone ones for when I come back from Italy and have eaten all the ice cream and pizzas to remind myself that I have to take it all off again!!

I know that for someone with MS, weight can be a problem, my friend that has it, tries to eat little and often to keep her energy levels from dipping as this can leave her very tired, although I must admit her latest fad of lentils with everything is a bit to windy for me!! Just recently she has got a dog, and which makes her go out and walk it, this way she gets exercise and keeps mobile, she can't move around that quickly (when first diagnosed she had some paralysis in her legs)but she is now walking further each day.

On a serious note though, I don't know if you get English papers out there, but over the weekend there have been stories of a new wonderdrug for MS it is a combination drug and in 90% of cases it has halted degeneration and in come cases restored vision or the ability to walk.

The Doctors have said it is not a cure, but can stop it in it's tracks and the earlier treatment can be started the more chance people have of leading a normal life. I don't know if your friend is interested but the drugs were Mitoxantrone ( a chemotherapy drug) and Copaxone (a MS anti-relapse drug) and the test was carried out Walton Neurological Centre in Liverpool (the tests were carried out in a trial over 5 years by 27 people) the Neurosurgeon in charge of the test was a Dr. Mike Goggild perhaps you could find more info on the internet although it was only a small test the doctors think it heralds a major breakthrough and the treatment was so successful it has been expanded to a further 10 centres in the UK.

Hope the above info is of use, have a great week - D

purchasewoods said...

Hi leolady: The bags are pure fun and inspiration.

Thanks so much for taking the time to send me that information. I have now passed it on to 2 people. That meant a great deal to me. If I can ever help you with any info I will send it right a long. What a terrific group this is.

Hugs, L