Tuesday, July 25, 2006

To Sleep Perchance To Dream

My eyes are so tired they are watering tonight. This probably won't be a long entry. Hubbie had a restless night and was talking to me. So everytime I started to drift off he would say something and I would wake up again.

I just spent the last few hours trying to research some stuff and it included lots of scrolling. My eyes have had it. Sigh!

I have to tell you all how lovely it has been to make some new friends here. For every entry I have received positive feedback and I really enjoy visiting your bogs in return.

On a positive note regarding another entry; my friends are settling their differences and that makes me very happy.

To Leolady - thanks so much for all that information you sent. I passed it on to two people. I felt warm all over that you would take the time to send it to me. Big kiss for that.

I am very glad that I have lighted here. Thanks for pointing the way FG. Big kiss and hug to you.

My sister just came on IM and she is blinking that she wants to talk so I am off for now.


Leolady said...

Your more than welcome to the info I hope it is of some help
- as I said before I have two friends with that terrible illness, one is mobile and tries to keep herself fit, watch her diet and control the symptons, the other who is the same age in her early 40's is now totally wheelchair bound, and needs a full time carer, it has been awful to see a bubbly personality be imprisoned by her own body. Hopefully this breakthrough will one day make a difference.

I still can't get my head round the cold bit, although from what you say it is logical, it is afternoon (14.40 p.m.) here in London and about 35 degrees - very few shops let alone houses here have air con and we are wilting!!

Have a good week - D x

Leolady said...

Sorry forgot to say hope your friends sort out their probs it would be a pity if they permanently fell out over something that could be easily fixed, perhaps they will view their friendship through more enlightened eyes and still decide it's worth it - D x

purchasewoods said...

Hi Guys: I am relieved that they have sorted out their differences. It is stressing when friends disagree and you are in-between liking them both.

Got some rest for the ole eyes. lol! Not that they appreciated it.

Good to hear from you all and I hope it is a great weekend for everyone. It is raining and cold here. Yuck!

TTFN and hugs. L

purchasewoods said...

My eyes cleared up and after a day spent doing a tax form on the net - I can't wait to close them tonight. lol.

Thanks guys - hope a good weekend was ahd by all.

Hugs, L