Friday, July 14, 2006

Just When I Thought

Just when I thought I had it all together I find I am still fumbling around here. Must be old age creeping in or spolied by the old site. lol!

It has been good to hear from everyone. I noticed that some of the comments I said to post have not been posted but there was only one from leolady in the comments moderate area. Sigh!

I think it is really good to be able to come here and just post. No mucking around. No games, no contests, no little groups to keep up with. Just pure writing for the sake of writing. I think I am getting weary.

I don't mean to make it sound like my other site that I visit is bad, It's not. I have grown there. I am just tired of fussing around and not getting anything done.

Anyway, on to better things. I have heaps to do in the house today. Hubbie is filling in at work so I am alone. I enjoy this time since he is actually retired on disability due to illness. When he is up to it he goes in to his old job. This is good for him as he sees old firends from work and he keeps his hand in. It picks him up. He misses working outside the home sometimes. On the other hand he enjoys setting his own pace and doing whatever he wants in a given day. It has altered my life quite a lot though. So I enjoy the minutes I get to myself. Saves me having to stay up late to write. On the other hand, I do my best stuff when it is late. lol! I have always been a bit of a night owl. Now that the kids have left home I don't have to worry about how late I stay up.

I hope that FG has recovered from her 'Deep Purple' haze. lol! And that leolady has a great vacation. I'm glad that everyone liked my book suggestion although a little bird told me leolady won't get a chance to read on her vacation. lol! A good time will be had by all - I'm sure.

TTFN - off to the housekeeping wars.

1 comment:

purchasewoods said...

And the chaos goes on. Just when I think I have my day planned life drops in.

Thanks for reading guys. I feel like this is a great place to be.