Monday, July 24, 2006

Just An add On

When I was growing up and I really wanted something I realise now that it was generally my father who had me go for it. He was the one who pushed wings on us while it was generally my mom saying, 'You'll shoot your eye out'.

As a parent I try to be aware of that. My children are older. They were older when I inherited them. Their father did all the hardest work - on his own. But they still check here first when they are going for something new. And I try very hard to remember that they need to be encouraged. And as much as I may fear an outcome - I need to let them try with no vestiage of my fear landing on them. As a parent I think it is one of the hardest things we will ever do. And I am grateful that my father was aware that we needed those wings. Because hopefully, we are passing them on to our children now.



Leolady said...

Loved the entry, and yes it is hard as parents on the one hand wanting to give them wings to fly and on the other frightened for them that they will fall, it's a hard balancing act, I hope I have tried to encourage mine to go out into the world and reach for the stars, and to live and enjoy their lives, I tell them that this is not a rehearsal and they only get one shot at this life, but only time will tell. I always try to encourage self belief, perhaps also it's because it's something I always found to be elusive!

Have a good week - sorry to hear it's cold there, It's funny in one of your comments you said it was cold but we never think of Oz as being cold but the land of the sun (see I told you too much Neighbours) take care - D x

purchasewoods said...

Hi leolady: It certainly is a huge balancing act. But I waited so long to be able to do it that I have to admit -I love the balancing. lol.

Everyone I know laughs when I say we are cold over here. The visions most people have of OZ are sunny and warm. Tassie is directly across from the South Pole. I won't swim in our waters.
You really need a wetsuit. I promise you you would consider this a respectable winter. lol.

Hugs, L