Friday, July 07, 2006

Figuring things out!

I am still trying to weed my way around here. I say weed as I have been pulling out my errors and deleting them and it reminded me of all that I need to do in the garden beds. It is winter here and that always shows me things I need to uproot.

I have a daughter who has an Associates in Horticulture. She tells me anything that doesn't belong in a specific spot is a weed. That being the case - in my cottage type gardens where overrun is the by-line - I need to do lots of weeding. lol!

I am grateful she has that degree although it has nothing to do with what she currently does for a living. She is now getting ready to begin her 3rd degreee. Crisis Management is her current forte. lol! I think we just rolled back round to my garden again and the stress level I am giving myself trying to adjust to this site.

I used another site for so long that I have to totally retrain my fingers and brain and read directions again. If all else fails...

Tomorrow I am hosting the Rugby Union match between Australia and New Zealand. Normally I get out of watching it because my husband (a die-hard Rugby Union man) doesn't find me much fun to watch it with. I am drooling over all those lovely legs running around in shorts while he is yelling at the winger. That was his old position. He played until his knees gave out at 36. He even played for Australia briefly. So Rubgy Union is very important around here. Especially if Wales play.
They call it football - where are all the helmets, padding and postions I know and recognise? Where is my favorite quarterback? Well, at least they have it all over the Yanks in the great butts and legs department. Back to drooling again. lol.

So I need to make snack food and be sure that I have spent some time mediatating to be calm before the game starts. Fortunately we have vaulted ceilings so all that yelling is unlikely to blow the roof off. Pray for me.



Leolady said...

It's been great reading your blogs again, and wonderful to know I'm not the only rugby widow, your other half must have been a hell of a player to run out for the wallabies! I'm very impressed!

Despite being almost 46 my other half still plays - although he doesn't have to do much running he is a hooker,(for non-rugby fans it is the one in the middle of the scrum or group hug,)so his legs are OK but I've given up on counting the broken noses over the years. As for giving up he reckons he won't until he can play with all of his sons - so far he has 2 down and 2 to go, but my youngest is only 12 so I have many more years to go!

Have a good weekend!

purchasewoods said...

Leolady: Hi! I understood the position your hubbie plays. I had a flash on what you were talking about. lol!

My hubbie would still be be playing if he hadn't developed 'rugby knees'. They go out on him at the oddest moments. His heart is still willing but the flesh is weak. But the love of the game goes on.

Great to hear from you.


purchasewoods said...

Congrats, FG! Hope you all enjoyed the game and didn't party too hard. I am so pleased for Italy. Yanks really do love an under-dog. Especially when it comes to sports. I was cheering for you.

Big hug and a kiss.

purchasewoods said...

We are not very good at some sport but at least we try. lol! Gave me time to wind lots of yarn.