Saturday, July 22, 2006

Down But Not Out

This will sound nuts but I can't figure out how to answer your comments one-at-a-time and I am going nuts. I have checked every help think on comments etc... but I am getting nowhere. So instead of blogging, I am off to study questions and answers again. I am such a novice at this computer stuff. No matter how much I think I have learned. Hope it is a great weekend for you all.



Tainted Female said...


Give me your number through msn, and I'll give you a call and explain everything you need to know.


purchasewoods said...

Thanks, mindseye. Between TL and FG I am making progress. I'll be screaming again if I ever need to post a photo though. I am no techno wiz either - as you can tell. lol.

Thanks heaps for looking in.


Thanks TL.You are always great with the help on this stuff. Hugs again.