Sunday, October 29, 2006

Hi Ho Hi Ho - This is my 6th attempt

I am off to the hospital at 6AM tomorrow. This will definitely be my last post for a few days. I am taking the laptop to the hospital with me so hopefully, I'll get some writing done before the surgery. I am never lucky enough to be first.

Hubbie made sure that I had a lovely day today. He took me to the local school fair where I showed great self-restraint by avoiding all the great food. I did make up for that by indulging at the 2nd hand book stall, though. Yes!

We took a ride along the shore route from Cygnet to Kingston which I love to do. Then we bought scones and went to Kingston Beach to eat them. Heaps of people were out and about walking their dogs and their children. The surf was up a bit and we made up conversations for the seagulls. I always enjoy letting others know exactly what they are thinking. Takes a bird brain to know a bird brain.

We went and had coffee with friends. Then came home and I broiled sea trout fillets for us. Just some lemon and a bit of butter and it was lovely. Although I am sure that I just made Foodkitty shudder. lol!

Spent most of the evening going over notes with hubbie, talking with the children and packing. Now I am just finishing up computer stuff.

Not a very interesting entry, I know. I do have some stuff that I want to write about though. Thank goodness for laptops. I will get that done soon.

TTFN for now and I hope it is a great week for everyone.

I'll Be Back

Tomorrow I have my surgery so I just wanted to say good-bye and I'll be back as soon as I can. My hubbie made sure that I had a lovely day today and that helped me to relax.

We went to the local school fair where I showed great self-denial by avoiding all the fattening stuff on offer. I made up for that by enjoying myself at the 2nd hand book stall - I am no saint.

After we left the fair we took one of my favorite drives along the shore route from Cygnet to Kingston. We indulged in freshly baked scones and went to Kingston Beach to eat them. The surf was great today. Heaps of people were out and about walking their dogs and their children. I always find it very relaxing at the beach. Plus, we get to make-up seagull conversations.

We had coffee with friends and then came home. I broiled sea trout with just lemon and a bit of butter. It was lovely although I am sure Foodkitty just shuddered. lol!

I have spent the last few hours giving hubbie notes, talking to my children and putting together what I am taking to the hospital. I packed the laptop so hopefully I will do some writing.

That is it for now. Not a very interesting entry but I do have some stuff in mind to write about and that will appear when I get home. Everyone have a great week.


Monday, October 23, 2006

October 30th and counting

I received an updated surgical date. I'm going in on the 30th instead of November 8th. I have gone in to serious nesting mode. I have a long list and a short list and the short list keeps getting bigger becuase I am shifting things from the long list. lol!

I am pleased to be even a week earlier as it means getting started on healing faster. I have been in quite a bit of pain and even though I know the pain is going to get worse before it gets better - that is fine. You have to crack some eggs and all that. At least it will be an end to this awful cycle I currently enjoy.

Yesterday we were in soap making mode yet again. This time it was for kitchen use. You add coffee grounds and it gets rid of kitchen smells.Last week it was for gardening hands. We are getting this down to a science but there are still heaps of variations we want to try.

Yesterday I met my first Blue Tongue Lizard. And a fine fat fellow he was. To make my life perfect the bird is back flying in to the window. I am sure her mate is out there cheering her on. lol! I am not superstitious! I am not superstitious! I am not superstitious! Or stuperstitious as the case may be. lol! Did I spell any of those right, FG?

Had good news about hubbie's Chron's now being inactive. So the hernia in his incision from the surgery to remove his illium can be fixed. I called and expected to be told they couldn't get him in to the surgeon until next year and they gave me an appointment for the 31st. That is perfect as hubbie will be visiting me in hospital anyway and the doctor is in Hobart Private hopsital. So things do work out.

I have already applied for my handicap parking sticker. The doctor wanted me to get a permenent one but hubbie told him that I am sure that I will be fine after the surgery has healed so we will just hold off on that. I was so pleased. My biggest champion.

I think I may have screwed up some addresses im my book so if Foodkitty gets Leolady's mail and vice versa - sorry! I am a bit rattled. I'll be back soon.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Fire - Fire - Burning Bright!

Due to lack of sufficent rain fall and heaps of undergrowth, combined with early high temp - all of our area of Tassie and a great many others - are under a complete fire ban. We have already had several days of raging fires. While we are fine right now, I am concerned about other friends in Tassie.

I hope that everyone is well and not under threat from the fires. I figured I would post and let people know we are okay in our council area.

Several states on the mainland are also battling heavy winds and high temps resulting in fires. It is going to be a difficult summer. What upsets me most is that a number of the fires, including those here, were set. It is one thing to have nature strike a blow and quite another to have MAN strike.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Library Rivals

Recently I found out that the population of all of Tassie has now swelled to 480,000. Seems we are no longer a big secret. But, given the fact that we are a whole island - that is not exactly over-crowding.We benefit from the fact that there are still so many small towns.

I mentioned before that our libary allows us to order from any library in the state, visit and take-out stuff from any library and return to any library. I love it. Plus, for towns with no library they have the book bus.

This is all wonderful but it does have it's moments. For instance - several times I have returned a book only to find it is continuing to appear on my receipts or a letter or email saying it is overdue. And it never happens in the small branches. Only the big ones.

I have to take my problem to our branch. It is the closest place for a face-to-face. There is a real rivalry going on between the branches. It can work to your advantage.

I was ordering some books by James Frey when I figured I better see if anything needing renewing, I can do all this on the net. That is when I noticed the dreaded overdue book. I was 99% certain I had returned it but - took the house apart anyway. Sure enough, no book. Even checked the car on and under the seats. No book.

We went down to the branch and I made small talk with the lovely ladies and then mentioned my problem. They asked if I had returned it there but I couldn't remember. They checked their shelves and I checked. Then they got on the phone to the other two branches I use. All the time muttering about how terrible it was when these branches made mistakes and how many had been made recently. In perfect library whispers, of course. Sure enough - there was the book in the biggest of the other two branches. And the branch were not even offering an apology. They never do.

Our ladies were apologising all over the place and still tutting about how awful it was. I can always count on these ladies for anything I need. Just whisper the names of the other 'terrible' branches.

And So The Plumber

The plumber came and did a perfect job and we had the new high pressure hot water system. But no hot water yet. They had booked the electrician - our regular guy. He was supposed to be here at 10AM. He arrived at 1PM.

As he was having coffee with the wee Welshman, I asked if I now had hot water. Reasonable question, right? Robbie looks at me like 'hopeless female' and says in a few hours. Gives the wee Welshman the 'women' look. Wee Welshman dips his head not wanting anything thrown at him in public. Okay. I made a joke about expecting Robbie to be capable of instant hot water just like the kettle. What I was really asking was, 'Are you sure it is all done?' Wandered away happy and thinking about how much I would enjoy myself washing off all the excess grout my hubbie left behind on some tiles this morning - needing hot water of course.

Four hours later - I fire up the tap and get - 5 minutes of cold water. I meekly present in front of the wee Welshman and tell him in my sweetest voice,
'Either Robbie screwed up or he FAILED to turn the hot water circuit back on.' Now guess who is rolling HIS eyes?

He rushes out to the circuit box and low and behold - the hot water is not turned on. But what do I know? My subtle question trying to nudge Robbie about if he turned it back on was a dumb question. And I now have another four hours before I can enjoy a bubble bath. Maybe I can delay payment on the upcoming bill - tell him I forgot to turn the computer on.

At 1:00AM I finally had hot water.

Monday, October 09, 2006

And Another One Bites the Dust

1. What's your opinion on sex without emotional commitment?

I was always committed - if only for 10 seconds.

2. Do you bite your toenails?


3. Are you a jealous person?

Depends. Mostly I like to keep what is mine to myself. Some things I won't share.

4. What are you allergic to?

Spring and autumn. One medication. Mold - hugely.

5. What books, if any, have made you cry?

Quite a few. Jane Eyre, Pride and Prejudice, To Kill A Mockingbird, Little Women, Chicken Soup for Animal Lovers, All Creatures Great and Small, The Crucible and so on and so on...

6. Does it get annoying when somebody says they'll call you, but doesn't?

Only if they say they will call if they are gonna be late and they are late but don't call.

7. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?

Chocolate, but if rum and raisin is at hand, then that or ammaretto fudge almond - or all three together.

8. If someone you had no interest in dating expressed interest what would you say to them?

Thanks but I'm not thinking of dating anyone right now.

9. What would you rather be doing right now?

Floating in a hot bubble bath.

10. What song lyrics, if any, are stuck in your head at the moment?

Counting Flowers On the Wall - it's been there for days.

12. What did you dress up as for your first Halloween?

My mom dressed me as a rabbit.

13. What's your favorite TV show, now or in the past?

Crime Investigation channel and all the Law and Orders. Midsummer's Nights Murder, Kath and Kim, League of Gentlemen, Little Britian, Creature Comforts, South Park. I usually have it on while I am drawing,painting or crocheting. I am a listener.

14. Do you get along better with the same or opposite sex?

Now it is the same sex. I find I want women around to talk to more, now.

15. Can others make you cry easily?

Yes, although I try to present the opposite.

17. Are you picky about spelling and grammar?

If I am reviewing and now when I am writing although not when I write in my journal or send email. I sometimes even correct my errors on IM. Mostly I am hopeless - ask FG.

18. Do you pay attention to calories on the back of packages?

Yes - I need to.

19. If you could be any type of fruit what would you be?

A luscious ripe cherry.

20. Were you a "planned" child?

There are only 15 months between me and my older brother. I was an anniversary celebration mistake. And my mom admits it.

21. How many pairs of shoes do you own?

Uh - 10?

22. What was the last thing to scare you?

The possum outside my window and it's heavy breathing. Five minutes ago.

26. Have you ever been attracted to someone physically unattractive?

Yes, but not grossly unattractive. Especially if they had a sweet nature and were really funny.

27. What personality trait is a must-have in the opposite sex?

Must read and enjoy sharing good book and MUST have terrific sense of humor.

28. Do you enjoy traveling via airplanes?

Tell me where and when and I am on that plane.

29. Would you ever date someone covered in tattoos?

A few tats are good. Not a whole body full.

30. Have you ever dated someone out of your race?


31. Do you believe that the guy should pay on the first date?

If they asked me out - yup!

32. Are you currently wanting any piercing or tattoos?

Yes - one more tat. then I'll have two.

33. Which do you make: wishes or plans?

Wishes and hope I get a nice surprise that becomes a good plan.

34. Can you speak any languages other than English?

Very basic Spanish and Latin. Italian sign language.

35. What is your favorite salad dressing?

Basalmic {?} vinegar.

36. Have you ever fooled around with someone and not remembered?

Possibly - I know my car ended up some places I don't remember driving. Back in the early 70's.

37. Have you ever dated one of your best friends?

Just my husband.

38. Has anyone told you a secret this week?

No, but it is early in the week.

39. When was the last time someone hit on you?

12 years ago unless you count my husband who hit on me in his own way 10 minutes ago.

40. Would you rather take the picture or be in the picture?

Take. Never happy with my photos.

41. Do you wear slippers even when its not cold outside?

Soft but thick socks - sometimes 2 pair at a time.

42. If you could eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Make it a junk food and it could be chocolate - I guess.

43. How many siblings do you have, and where are you in the rank?

Four. I am second in line.

44. What's the sweetest thing you've ever done for someone?

You'd have to ask them.

45. When was your last road trip?

Over a year ago.

46. Name 3 schools you went to?

Calf Pen Meadow, Our Lady Of Mercy Academy - Lauralton Hall, Penn State University.

47. Name 5 things in your Purse/pockets/wallet:

smokes, meds, wallet, cell phone, mints

48. Three names you go by?

Lin, LaLa, Daaahling

49. Who is in the house with you?

Hubbie and the dog. Possibly a field mouse.

50. What are you thinking about right now?

Getting the circulation back in my right foot which just went to sleep.

Over to you, FG.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Under The Knife

I’m back under the knife again. I saw my surgeon today and low and behold – the bone is not growing around the metal. The metal is not staying in place.

This accounts for all the most recent painful bouts and the fact that I can feel the metal under the skin. Some days I want to yank it out with my bare hands.

There is a relatively new procedure that consists of mixing a powder with your blood then inserting it to the area that needs to regenerate bone, securing it with the tissue and muscle. The powder promotes bone growth within a few hours of insertion.

The procedure was trialed for spinal injuries about seven years ago. It went so well they began using it for difficult fractures and now they are using it to cause bone fusion to strengthen weak areas.

On November 8th I go back in. They will remove the metal and do the powder. Back in the ‘cam boot’ for 8 weeks again. In hospital for 3 days and 2 nights. That isn’t too bad but I am always anxious to get back home as I don’t ever trust them to let me back out once they get me in.

The first two weeks will be totally non-weight bearing and then I can start putting some weight on it but will need the old crutches yet again.

Good thing I didn’t give the cam boot to Tony for a new sculpture. I am heartily sick and tired of being sick and tired. And I walked in to that office today certain that I was going to be told that everything was healing fine and the pain was just soft tissue damage.Certain I was going to be told to be patient and wait it out.

You can’t imagine how relieved I am to know that this is not all in my head. And just think of a whole two weeks where I can catch up on blogging. lol!