Saturday, December 23, 2006

Blessings In Shades of Orange

I was going to write about a quote from Charles Dickens in 'A Christmas Carol.' I planned on it all week. Then my husband came home with orange Tiger Lilies for me. I placed them in a long black vase. Tehy were so beautiful I wanted to try and capture the image with my paints.

Last night I sat down and blocked in the painting. Then this morning I sat down and while sipping coffee and chatting with my husband, I started to lay down color. When I looked up to get my bearings with the painting I noticed something was off. A closer inspection showed me that one of the buds was incorrect. It was fuller now - more open. I made the adjustment and continued on.

A few minutes later I looked up and the setting had changed again. While I was concentrating so was the flower. It was slowly opening up to display its full glory. A game started. If I stared nothing happened. If I looked down for a few minutes - it opened more. In two hours it was fully open.

I marveled at the miracle that was happening in front of me. Well, almost in front - if I squinted. Nature was sharing a special moment. I was suddenly grateful to be able to live a life that allowed me to sit patiently and watch nature work her wonders. And even more grateful for a husband who allowed me the time and space to try and capture that wonder in the best way I know how.

When I think about all the special things I wish for my loved ones at this time of year - my family and my friends - I think that moments such as these must be at the top. I wish for you all the wonder that is life and the ability to enjoy every moment. Make the small times count. Never discount them. They are what makes life worth living.

Merry Christmas to you all and a safe and happy holiday season. Thanks for stopping in and for all the support you have given me. May you be blessed.

Christmas Thoughts - Homemade

Sunday, December 17, 2006

It's The Holiday Homesick

It's the holiday season. I thought I was doing pretty good considering I am frustrated, still in pain, and can't keep my foot down for long. Then today, I was having some female friends down for coffee. This means two hours of chatter and solving the world's problems. I had put out a few decorations, set the table in the barbie area with holiday tablecloth etc...and put some Christmas music on for background. I had everything ready and then sat down with my foot up to wait.

'I'll Be Home For Christmas' started to play and suddenly - tears fell. The Wee Welshman was at work. The dogs were lolling about and I was going through tissues at an alarming rate. It happens every year. Generally, on Christmas Eve around midnight. I will put out all the lights, put some of my favorite holiday music on low and sit there in the soft glow of the Christmas tree lights speeding down memory lane. Niagra Falls.

I wait until the WW is in bed. I also wait for the kids to go to bed if they happen to be home for the holiday. This year - it has all been a bit to much for me. The waterworks started early. I don't want hubbie to see this because he thinks I am very adult about the whole homesickness thing. And I certainly didn't want my girlfriends to see it. Sympathy was the last thing I needed this morning. I needed a butt kicking.

All my family is alive and basicly well. My friends are the same. We have heaps to be thankful for. Tears are really not necessary. There is just something about this holiday and how much I love it. I miss doing it New England style. I want Currier and Ives and Norman Rockwell. I want to see a fire in the fireplace, smell pine, hear little children plot, put cookies out for Santa, attend a Christmas Eve Church service where I have to bundle up and my nose is red from the cold. I don't want to melt from heat if I bake too much.

Christmas makes me a kid again - every year. I think I better go put out our stockings just in case Santa can get through all the smoke from bush fires run amuck.