Thursday, March 22, 2007

Famers and Makers Market

Tomorrow Cygnet is hosting a Famers and Markers Market just like the old days. There will even be a parade with the past Apple Queens. I have been busy as ever getting ready for it. My friend and I have taken a stall at the market.

The market is being held at Burton's Reserve so there will be loads of space. There will be food stalls as well as craft. There will me music through out the day so it promises to be fun. At least we will be entertained.

I spoek several times with the people in charge. They are hoping to make this an on-going market which would be great for our area. It won't exactly be a Salamanca Market but it could be very good. Right now it is being run in conjunction with Ten Days of the Island. So they are getting heaps of publicity.

I have noticed that it is very difficult to get in to some of the blogs since this change over and have had some emails from people saying that couldn't get in to some blogs. One of those is Foodkitty. So Foodkitty - Leolady in particular sends a big hello and says are you aware of the problem getting to read your blog. And of course - a big hello from me.

Back to packing up goods and I will report back on how the market went. Pray it doesn NOT rain, please.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Be Afraid - Be Very Afraid

I have just spent most of the last two days thinking that it was 2008. Now where the heck is that coming from? I think it is because I have not had a cigarette in the last 48 plus hours. My brain and any thought process is always the very first thing to go. We're in big trouble now!

We went down to the art show in Cygnet, "Watermark". I had no entries this year nor did hubbie have any sculpture or photography on exhibit. Then we went to the 'Bottom Pub' to try their cappacino and the pastry that was on offer. Nothing really special. I had some lemon cheesecake and hubbie had some several layered chocolate cake and cream combo. We would have done better to go to 'Lotus' or 'Divinge' or better yet - 'theapplefactory'. There are so many places in our little area to get coffee that no one could ever suffer from lack of choice. But as this is Regatta Weekend as well as the Taste of the Huon weekend and the start of Watermark exhibit - all the places were pretty full. You couldn't get even a look in at the Red Velvet Lounge.

I'm not really complaining. I say good for all the owners. It is a job you have to love or no sane person would own a restaurant.