Saturday, June 24, 2006

Settling In

I have been thinking about the things I would like to post and lots of ideas came to mind. I thought first, that maybe some people would like to read about what is like to be an American living in another country. Then I thought maybe I should post some art work with comments on individual pieces. Then I thought I would post some of my drawings or caricatures. Now I have decided that this should be a combination of all the different parts that make me who I am.

So in the next few days, I will start to post different things that tell about me. I hope that if anyone pokes their head in here they will give me feedback on what they see. I appreciate feedback. I suppose most people posting blogs would appreciate feedback. So any and all feedback is welcome as long as it is polite. lol!

I'll be back.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

This blog is a first for me so people will have to bear with me until I get things right. I have written on a writing website but I feel the need to move forward and concentrate more on my creative nature and play around less. I need more discipline I guess.

A friend steered me in this direction and I am grateful. She always has such good ideas and is an inspiration. Thanks, Val. You are a wonderful addition to my life.

I will keep this post short until I have looked at everything I can do to set myself up properly. For now, it is enough that I have begun.

I'll be back.